Home > other >  How to set up in caffe a high-pass filter (HPF) layer? Urgent for great god answer!!
How to set up in caffe a high-pass filter (HPF) layer? Urgent for great god answer!!


# define network structureLayer {
Name: "conv0
"Type: "Convolution
"Bottom: "data"
Top: "conv0
"Param {
Lr_mult: 0.0
Convolution_param {
Num_output: 30
Bias_term: false
Pad: 2
Kernel_size: 5
Stride: 1
Weight_filler {
type: "SRM"
As shown above, I want to use caffe a CNN model used for steganographic analysis, but the caffe filler. The HPP file no SRM initialization method, how do I define this method?
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