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Opencv surface_matching in ubuntu 16.04 segmentation fault (core dumped) problem


Below is my original code, and compiled on the ros ubuntu16.4
Input of different field spots cloud can sometimes normal match and rt matrix
Bothering me for a long time, sometimes produce Segmentation fault problem
Use GDB debugging, found the program to run to
The detector. The match (* pcTest, results, 1.0/5.0, 0.03);
After will appear segfault and interrupt program
Online for a long time found that may be memory overflow, and so on question (not sure)
But I don't know how to allocate memory

# include "opencv2/surface_matching HPP"
# include "opencv2/surface_matching/ppf_helpers HPP"
# include "opencv2/core/utility. HPP"

using namespace std;
Using the namespace CV;
Using the namespace ppf_match_3d;

/* static void help (const string& ErrorMessage)

cout <"The Program init error:" & lt; cout <"\ nUsage: ppf_matching [input model file] [input scene file]" & lt; cout <"\ nPlease start again with new parameters" & lt; } */

Int main (int arg c, char * * argv)
//the welcome message
cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt; cout <"* Surface Matching individual: demonstrates the use of Surface Matching", "
"Using point pair the features." & lt; cout <"* The sample loads a model and a scene, where The model lies in a company's"
The "pose than training. \ n * It then trains the model and searches for It in the"
"The input scene. The detected poses are further refined by ICP \ n * and printed to The"
"The standard output." & lt; cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt;
/* if (arg c & lt; 3)
Help (" Not enough input arguments ");
cout exit(1);
} */

# if (defined __x86_64__ | | defined _M_X64)
cout <"Running on 64 bits" & lt; //typedef uint64_t KeyType;
# the else
cout <"Running on 32 bits" & lt; //typedef unsigned int KeyType;
# endif

# ifdef _OPENMP
cout <"Running with OpenMP" & lt; # the else
cout <"Running without OpenMP and without TBB" & lt; # endif

String modelFileName="/home/mingchi catkin_ws/SRC/opencv_test/table3. The ply";
String sceneFileName="/home/mingchi catkin_ws/SRC/opencv_test/test. The ply";

P1 int64 *;
Int64 * (p2);
Mat * PC;
Mat * pcTest;

Mat pc_1=loadPLYSimple (modelFileName c_str (), 1);
//Mat PC=loadPLYSimple ("/home/mingchi catkin_ws/SRC/opencv_test/box2. The ply ", 1);
PC=& amp; Pc_1;
//Now train the model
cout <"Training... "& lt; Int64 tick1=CV: : getTickCount ();
P1=& amp; Tick1;
Ppf_match_3d: : PPF3DDetector detector (0.025, 0.05);
The detector. TrainModel (* PC);
Int64 tick2=CV: : getTickCount ();
The p2=& amp; Tick2;
cout <"The SEC" & lt; //Read the scene
Mat pcTest_1=loadPLYSimple (sceneFileName c_str (), 1);
//Mat pcTest=loadPLYSimple ("/home/mingchi catkin_ws/SRC/opencv_test/test. The ply ", 1);
PcTest=& amp; PcTest_1;
//Match the model to the scene and the get the pose
cout VectorInt64 tick3=CV: : getTickCount ();
* p1=tick3;
The detector. The match (* pcTest, results, 1.0/5.0, 0.03);
Int64 tick4=CV: : getTickCount ();
* the p2=tick4;
cout P2 (* - * (p1)/CV: : getTickFrequency () & lt; <"The SEC" & lt; //size_t results_size=the size ();

//cout & lt; <"The Number of matching poses:" & lt;
/* if (results_size==0) {
cout exit(0);
} */

//Get only the first N the results
Int N=1;
/* if (results_size & lt; N) {
cout N=results_size;
} */
//Create an instance of ICP (iterations, how rejection scale, numlevels)
ICP, ICP (100, 0.05 f to 2.5 f, 8).
Int64 t1=CV: : getTickCount ();
* p1=t1;
//Register for all selected poses
cout Icp. RegisterModelToScene (* PC, * pcTest, resultsSub);
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