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The crawler master to look at how the POST with the array configuration requests


Recently to crawl a web site data, chrome80 DevTool can see I need the data in the POST request parameters,

But their requests in python libraries cannot obtain data, always has been submitted to the JSON parse error, the individual feels the modules should be an array configuration is wrong, there should be no quotes a semicolon symbols, such as a comma, please give directions
Url="http://www.zjsq.net.cn:8010/MobileService/Process/getMultiProcessDataTest.action? Time=1593172244742 '
R=requests. Post (url, {" modules ": [{" id" : "70311540", "type" : [" P ", "Z", "Q", "RW"]}], "dt" : "60", "pump" : 24, "et" : ""," st ":" "})
Print (r)
Print (r.c ontent)


Struts Problem Report
Struts has detected an unhandled exception:

Error parsing json
File: com/sucsoft/forecast/utils/Jacksons Java
The Line number: 157
Java. Lang. RuntimeException: parsing json error
Com. Sucsoft. Forecast. Utils. The Jacksons. FromJsonToMap (Jacksons. Java: 157)
Com.sucsoft.ms.action.Com monAction. GetMultiProcessDataTest (CommonAction. Java: 503)
Sun. Reflect. GeneratedMethodAccessor592. Invoke (Unknown Source)
Sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (Unknown Source)
Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (Unknown Source)
Ognl. OgnlRuntime. InvokeMethod (OgnlRuntime. Java: 892)
Ognl. OgnlRuntime. CallAppropriateMethod (OgnlRuntime. Java: 1294)
Ognl. ObjectMethodAccessor. CallMethod (ObjectMethodAccessor. Java: 68)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Ognl. Accessor. XWorkMethodAccessor. CallMethodWithDebugInfo (XWorkMethodAccessor. Java: 117)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Ognl. Accessor. XWorkMethodAccessor. CallMethod (XWorkMethodAccessor. Java: 108)
Ognl. OgnlRuntime. CallMethod (OgnlRuntime. Java: 1370)
Ognl. ASTMethod. GetValueBody (ASTMethod. Java: 91)
Ognl. SimpleNode. EvaluateGetValueBody (SimpleNode. Java: 212)
Ognl. SimpleNode. GetValue (SimpleNode. Java: 258)
Ognl. Ognl. GetValue (ognl. Java: 467)
Ognl. Ognl. GetValue (ognl. Java: 431)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Ognl. OgnlUtil $3. The execute (OgnlUtil. Java: 352)
Com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlUtil.com pileAndExecuteMethod OgnlUtil. Java: (404)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Ognl. OgnlUtil. CallMethod (OgnlUtil. Java: 350)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. InvokeAction (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 430)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. InvokeActionOnly (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 290)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 251)
Org, apache struts 2. The interceptor. DeprecationInterceptor. Intercept (DeprecationInterceptor. Java: 41)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Org, apache struts 2) interceptor) was debugging. DebuggingInterceptor. Intercept (DebuggingInterceptor. Java: 256)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. DefaultWorkflowInterceptor. DoIntercept (DefaultWorkflowInterceptor. Java: 168)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. MethodFilterInterceptor. Intercept (MethodFilterInterceptor. Java: 98)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. The validator. ValidationInterceptor. DoIntercept (ValidationInterceptor. Java: 265)
Org, apache struts 2. The interceptor. Validation. AnnotationValidationInterceptor. DoIntercept (AnnotationValidationInterceptor. Java: 76)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. MethodFilterInterceptor. Intercept (MethodFilterInterceptor. Java: 98)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. ConversionErrorInterceptor. Intercept (ConversionErrorInterceptor. Java: 138)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. ParametersInterceptor. DoIntercept (ParametersInterceptor. Java: 229)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. MethodFilterInterceptor. Intercept (MethodFilterInterceptor. Java: 98)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. ParametersInterceptor. DoIntercept (ParametersInterceptor. Java: 229)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. MethodFilterInterceptor. Intercept (MethodFilterInterceptor. Java: 98)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Interceptor. StaticParametersInterceptor. Intercept (StaticParametersInterceptor. Java: 191)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Org, apache struts 2. The interceptor. MultiselectInterceptor. Intercept (MultiselectInterceptor. Java: 73)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
Org, apache struts 2. The interceptor. DateTextFieldInterceptor. Intercept (DateTextFieldInterceptor. Java: 125)
Com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. DefaultActionInvocation. Invoke (DefaultActionInvocation. Java: 245)
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