Home > other >  About parsing the Tracker server response peers300 fields, and on the network byte order is what
About parsing the Tracker server response peers300 fields, and on the network byte order is what


This two days in the torrent download but at the time of request Tracker is the server, the server returned to me so a data

 d8: completei1341e10: downloadedi69382e10: incompletei35e8: intervali1867e12: min intervali933e5: peers300: Ym Qin 酭? Q day & amp; PK day 莟 夌 's euro? 0 Qiao yp? Mirror? H 肵 Q? Jian? ! Si, Qiong volume # ょ 畃 埲 show warm day ~ 蚹 [- る day N.N entertainment 3 her % x Ji 髥? Still nail/$3 [Yong to Jt 榐 + song? KKi Fu 
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By parsing access to
{"complete":1333,"downloaded":69369,"incomplete":31,"interval":1664,"min interval":832,"peers":"Xu+/vUjvv73vv73vv71V77+9NO+/ve+/ve+/vUZ277+977+977+9TEJF77+9XCM3Le+/vREr1r8YfFLvv73vv73vv73vv73DgRvvv71g77+977+9LGLvv70dfe+/vTHvv73vv71n77+9We+/ve+/vV5HZe+/ve+/ve+/vU7vv70GM++/vSxDAu+/ve+/vRrvv73RjSE077+91a3vv73vv73vv73vv73vv73vv73vv71e77+977+9VO+/ve+/ve+/ve+/ve+/vTPvv73vv71577+977+9JdGz77+977+977+977+977+977+977+977+977+977+9K0rvv73vv73vv71r77+9fC/vv73vv71hf13vv73vv70MVwdZ77+977+977+9Pgvvv73vv73v"}

Then query website said peers on the network byte to sort of, ask, what is this network byte order, then how to convert into a standard TCP/IP and port, and I am using Java parse,

Website is

Compact: are the client accepts a compact response. The peers list is replaced by a peers string with 6 bytes per peer. The first four bytes are the host in the network byte order), the last two bytes are the port (again in the network byte order). It should be noted that some trackers only support compact responses (for saving bandwidth) and refuse normal requests.
A little don't understand what mean..
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