Meet a problem now,
Using LPC3250 board, the system is uCOSII program when doing the stability test, found that run for a few days, ucos is unable to dispatch other questions, only run in idle task OSTASKIdle (), then other interrupts can be in only put ucos beats functions timer0 cannot enter,
Once is timer0 configuration, and, interrupt,
Void Time0Init (void)
MIC_ER |=(1 & lt; <16);
T0TCR=0 x02;
T0TC=0 x00000000;
T0PR=0 x0000000f;
T0PC=0 x00000000;
T0MCR=0 x0003;
T0CTCR=0 x00;
T0MR0=Fpclk/(16 * OS_TICKS_PER_SEC);
T0TCR=0 x01;
MicIrqFuncSet (16, 0, (unsigned int) IRQ_Timer0);
Void IRQ_Timer0 (void)
T0IR=0 x01;
OSTimeTick ();
timer0 each register but to view the status found no abnormalities, wonder what's the problem cause?