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WPF style of a problem


Cannot type is "Ms. Internal NamedObject" objects cast to type "System. Windows. FrameworkTemplate,"
In the System. Windows. Markup. WpfXamlLoader. Load (XamlReader XamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings Settings, Uri baseUri)
Problems should be appeared in

The Template one attribute value no trouble help see

<style: x Key="ChildWinStyle TargetType"="Window} {x: Type" & gt;

<style. Resources>
<style TargetType="{x: Type Label}" & gt;

<style: x Key="lbBaseStyle TargetType"="{x: Type Label}" & gt;

<style: x Key="tabControlStyle" & gt;
<style. Resources>
<style TargetType="{x: Type Label}" & gt;




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