Small white do big data analysis, programming in pycharm open 3 g CSV file (configured anaconda), always make a mistake, could you tell me what bosses problem duck
hope that bosses to guide a little bit about the small white open data, who would have thought I can't open data?
CodePudding user response:
Line 12 11th word wrong???????
CodePudding user response:
references on 1st floor day I reply: there is an error in line 12 11th word??????? My program did not make up to 12 lines, I use the online library of method to test the pandas are available but read CSV or not CodePudding user response:
refer to the original poster weixin_48714732 response: programming small white do big data analysis, use pycharm open 3 g CSV file (configured anaconda), always make a mistake, could you tell me what bosses problem duck want bosses to guide a little bit about the small white open data, who would have thought I can't open data? Read_csv () plus error_bad_lines=False, if you have any Chinese sentences in the data, to change the separator, the delimiter="\ t" CodePudding user response:
reference Dream__xiaobei reply: 3/f Quote: refer to the original poster weixin_48714732 response: programming small white do big data analysis, use pycharm open 3 g CSV file (configured anaconda), always make a mistake, could you tell me what bosses problem duck hope that bosses to guide a little bit about the small white open data, who would have thought I can't open data? Read_csv () plus error_bad_lines=False, if you have any Chinese sentences in the data, to change the separator, delimiter="\ t" Thank you I try!