Based on the integral point stress value and the value does not match the GUI is why?
the purpose is to obtain specified layer of E, S value
# - * - coding: MBCS - * -
# Do not delete the following import lines
From the import of abaqus *
The from abaqusConstants import *
The import __main__
Import the random
The from odbAccess import * # import odbAccess module
The from textRepr import *
Import the visualization
# topCenter create variables, get unit set CENT
Odb=the visualization. OpenOdb (path='Job - 1. Odb')
TopCenter=odb. RootAssembly. Instances [' PART - 1-1]. ElementSets [' PS_SPAR]
# to create variables stressField, get the displacement field data
# to create a variable field, get the integral point data of the unit set
Field=stressField. GetSubset (region=topCenter,
The position=INTEGRATION_POINT, elementType='S4R')
# fieldValues create variables, get a field numerical data
FieldValues=field. Values
# loop output unit, unit integral period and integral point on the stress component of
For v in fieldValues:
Print 'Element label=', v.e lementLabel,
If v.i ntegrationPoint:
Print 'Integration Point=', v.i ntegrationPoint
The else:
Print the
For component in v.d ata:
Print '% 10.5 f % component,