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Python beginner, pyinstaller packaging issues for help


Use pyinstaller packaging found with the default parameters, packaged into multiple files can be used on other computers, using the -f packaged into a single file, and use it every time it on other computer tip missing DLL file, is this why? There is no errors in the process of packaging,
Warn0005. TXT file content is as follows:
Missing the module named resource - imported by posix, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named posix - imported by OS, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named _posixsubprocess - imported by subprocess, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named org - imported by pickling, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named readline - imported by CMD, code, PDB, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Excluded module named _frozen_importlib - imported by importlib, importlib. ABC, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing module named _frozen_importlib_external - imported by importlib. _bootstrap, importlib, importlib. ABC, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named _winreg - imported by platform, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named _scproxy - imported by urllib. Request
Missing the module named Java - imported by platform, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named 'Java. Lang - imported by platform, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005. Py, XML, sax. _exceptions
Missing the module named vms_lib - imported by platform, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named termios - imported by tty, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005. Py, getpass
Missing the module named GRP - imported by shutil, tarfile, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005. Py
Missing the module named PWD - imported by posixpath, shutil, tarfile,. The HTTP server, webbrowser, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005. Py, netrc, getpass
Missing the module named _dummy_threading - imported by dummy_threading, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005 p y
Missing the module named 'org. Python - imported by copy, D: \ PyCharm \ gitlab \ practice \ 0005\0005. Py, XML, sax

After tests found missing DLL files as shown in figure shown in:

64, the development environment is win10 python3.6.4, test machine is Windows 7 32 bit, didn't install python or install vc2005 installed is (later)

CodePudding user response:

Hope which help me to look at the passing by predecessors

CodePudding user response:

I met a Windows 7 environment packaged EXE cannot use under xp, don't know whether pyinstall consistent to the development environment and running environment can ensure EXE can run normally,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor seakingx response:
I met packaged under Windows 7 environment EXE cannot use under xp, don't know whether pyinstall consistent to the development environment and running environment can ensure EXE can run normally,

I put this figure in several DLLS in the directory you can run, but no matter what packaging does not go in

CodePudding user response:

How do you install pyinstaller, if is direct PIP install recommended to download, making then add python bin folder in the directory to system environment variables, is also a lack of the documents, before I had solved after this step,

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor qq_30658895 response:
how do you install pyinstaller, if is direct PIP installation recommendations to download, making then add python bin folder in the directory to system environment variables, is also a lack of the documents, before I did this step after solved,

If is the problem that the environment variable should not be all in how to pack? But I can use the default parameters, -f doesn't (work well)

CodePudding user response:

This I also met

CodePudding user response:

refer to 6th floor weixin_41750160 response:
this I also met
the later to solve?

CodePudding user response:

Must be different platforms play different tread is not compatible, the pit

CodePudding user response:

Can give you the DLL into exe, one of my spec file you under reference, change is a try,
# - * - mode: python - * -

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