Home > other >  [for] use python crawl HTTPS requests module site, SSLerror 1108
[for] use python crawl HTTPS requests module site, SSLerror 1108


New to python crawler, want to use requests module grasping national statistics web site, but it is always the SSL errors, tried various ways have been unable to solve, want to ask what is the good way,
Python version: python 3.8
Target web address: https://data.stats.gov.cn/easyquery.htm? Cn=A01

The import requests

Headers={' the user-agent ':' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.835.163 Safari/535.1 '}

The response=requests. Get (' https://data.stats.gov.cn/easyquery.htm? Cn=A01 'headers=headers)

The response. The encoding="utf-8"

Print (response. Status_code)
Print (response. The text)

Error message
 Traceback (the most recent call last) : 
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ urllib3 \ connectionpool py", line 667, in urlopen
Self. _prepare_proxy (conn)
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ urllib3 \ connectionpool py", line 932, in _prepare_proxy
Conn. The connect ()
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ urllib3 \ connection py", line 362, in the connect
The self. The sock=ssl_wrap_socket (
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ urllib3 \ util \ ssl_ py", line 384, in ssl_wrap_socket
Return the context. Wrap_socket (sock, server_hostname=server_hostname)
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ SSL py", line 500, in wrap_socket
Return the self. Sslsocket_class. _create (
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ SSL py", line 1040, in _create
Self. Do_handshake ()
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ SSL py", line 1309, in do_handshake
Self. _sslobj. Do_handshake ()
SSL. SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get the local issuer certificate (_ssl. C: 1108)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ requests \ adapters py", line 439, in the send
Resp=conn. Urlopen (
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ urllib3 \ connectionpool py", line 726, in urlopen
Retries=retries. Increment (
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ urllib3 \ util \ retry py", line 439, the increment in
Raise MaxRetryError (_pool, url, the error or ResponseError (cause))
Urllib3. Exceptions. MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool (host='data. Stats. Gov. Cn', the port=443) : Max retries exceeded with url:/easyquery. HTM? Cn=A01 (under Caused by SSLError (SSLCertVerificationError (1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get the local issuer certificate (_ssl. C: 1108)')))

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "D:/MyData/zhoutao10/PycharmProjects/Numpy/test. The py", line 6, the in & lt; module>
The response=requests. Get (' https://data.stats.gov.cn/easyquery.htm? Cn=A01 'headers=headers, verify=' D: \ MyData \ zhoutao10 \ Desktop \ certificate of the National Bureau of Statistics. Pem ')
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages/requests/API. Py", line 76, in the get
Return the request (' get 'url, params=params, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages/requests/API. Py", line 61, in the request
Return the session. The request (method=method, url=url, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ requests \ sessions py", line 542, in the request
Resp=self. Send (prep, * * send_kwargs)
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ requests \ sessions py", line 655, in the send
R=adapter. Send (request, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site - packages \ requests \ adapters py", line 514, in the send
Raise SSLError (e, request=request)
Requests. Exceptions. SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool (host='data. Stats. Gov. Cn', the port=443) : Max retries exceeded with url:/easyquery. HTM? Cn=A01 (under Caused by SSLError (SSLCertVerificationError (1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get the local issuer certificate (_ssl. C: 1108)')))

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