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Axure foundation knowledge


Document types: project technical literature;
Development tools and key technology: Axure, Axure based knowledge
Author: Huang Futao; Grade: 19; Time to write:
on December 4, 2020Knowledge points list:
A, what is a prototype?
The role of prototyping is preview program in advance, so as to improve the purpose of project and improve the efficiency of the project, reduce the cost of project required, to ensure that the project process,
Two, prototype design is divided into four categories:
Wireframes, low-fidelity prototypes, high-fidelity prototypes, finished products,
Three, basic understanding:
A complete basic prototype, must leave the interaction, in Axure interactive divided into interaction style and interaction events, before the design interaction, to figure out what is want to achieve in that kind of effect, such as when a mouse click, remove or move the mouse, etc.,
Interaction: generally there will be four parts
1, add condition
2, add
3, organize action
4, configuration action
Distinguish is interaction style and interaction events
Interaction style: set up different styles on the same object, it is aimed at the interaction of the element itself (can only change yourself, can't change others)
Interaction style only four
1, hovering: school official cites use the mouse to stay in the style of the element effect
2, the mouse click: the mouse button pressed in element
3, selected: an interaction effect can be set up component, select need within a group, will select a combination (not)
4, disabled: the effect of the components is unavailable
Interactive events: can not only for the element itself, can also for other components to make interactive action (can change oneself, also can change other people), for example, the mouse click, double-click, etc.
Interactive case: in the same incident, there can be multiple use cases, but will only perform a use case, without judging conditions, appear more use cases, the system will allow the user to choose, use-case generally have to add, delete, copy, cut, paste, to be useful, must add an interactive events, an interactive event can have multiple cases, but at the time of the user is not set, the system will allow the user to make a choice, a use case inside and can have multiple actions,

Four, about Axure element in the
Axure of elements are the most basic Axure built-in software components, can constitute a basic wireframes or low-fidelity prototypes, if want to reach a certain program effect, is according to the project need to add components,
Axure of components, can be certain transformation commonly, such as rectangle can be converted into a custom shape, and so on, so each have common points between each element, also has its own unique part,
Need to focus on understanding the components: dynamic panel, repeater, the complexity of these two components is also belong to compare element,
Dynamic panel: operation of the dynamic interaction (commonly used by case)
1, is the container
2, a dynamic effect
3, the limited display area (to be automatic adjustment for content size)
4, can drag (in axure only dynamic panels can be drag)
5, it can be fixed to the browser
6, according to the browser 100% width (valid only in the browser)
Repeater: some interaction with the same part, or photo wall and so on repeater can be used to carry on the design,
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