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Shock!!! Global variables don't run on logic! The prospect of the collapse of Python or distort


Himself with the flask as WeChat public server framework, developed a "guess Numbers" small game, but the global variable unexpectedly in chaotic state, is very strange, also please feel free to comment!
Paste the code below:
 # coding: utf-8 
The from flask import flask, request, abort, render_template
The import hashlib
The import xmltodict, time
Import the random

# global myvalue, guesstime

# constant
# WeChat token token
WECHAT_TOKEN="* * * * * *"

App=Flask (__name__)

@ app. The route ("/connect ", the methods=[" GET ", "POST"])
# def index_html () :
# return render_template (index.html, name='stronger')
Def wechat () :
"" "docking WeChat public server "" "
# receive WeChat server sends the parameters of the
Signature=request. The args. The get (" signature ")
Timestamp=request. The args. The get (" timestamp ")
Nonce=request. The args. The get (" nonce ")

If not all (/signature, timestamp, nonce) :
Abort (400)

# calculated according to the process WeChat signature
Li=[WECHAT_TOKEN, timestamp, nonce]
# sort
Li. Sort ()
# string concatenation
Tmp_str="'. Join (li)
# for sha1 encryption, get the correct signature value
Sign=hashlib. Sha1 (tmp_str. Encode (' utf-8 ')). Hexdigest ()
# to calculate the signature value compared with the signature of the request parameters, if the same, the certificate request from WeChat server
If the sign!=signature:
# said request not WeChat hair
Abort (403)
The else:
# is WeChat send request
. If the request method=="GET" :
# says is the first time meet detail server validation letter
Echostr=request. The args. The get (" echostr ")
If not echostr:
Abort (404)
Return echostr
Elif request. The method=="POST" :
# said WeChat server forwarding messages come
Xml_str=request. Data
If not xml_str:
Abort (400)

# to parse the XML string
Xml_dict=xmltodict. Parse (xml_str)
Xml_dict=xml_dict. Get (" XML ")

# to extract the message type
Msg_type=xml_dict. Get (" MsgType ")

If msg_type=="text" :
Global guesstime
Global myvalue
Inputvalue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/xml_dict.get (" Content ")
If inputvalue 'guess'=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/=:

Myvalue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/random.randint (1000100)
Print (myvalue)
Result='please enter an integer between 1000 ~ 10000'
# elif inputvalue. Isdigit () :
The else:
Print (' you input value is % s' % inputvalue)
Print (myvalue)
If the int (inputvalue) & gt; Myvalue:
Result='big! '
Guesstime +=1
Elif int (inputvalue) & lt; Myvalue:
Result='small! '
Guesstime +=1
The else:
Result=u 'congratulations to guess! \ n can continue to guess the next number! '
# saveMysql (MSG) source, guesstime)
Myvalue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/random.randint (1000100)

# is said to send text messages
# construct the return value, reply to the user via WeChat server message content
"XML" : {
"ToUserName" : xml_dict. Get (" FromUserName "),
"FromUserName" : xml_dict. Get (" ToUserName "),
"CreateTime" : int (time. Time ()),
"MsgType", "text",
"Content" : the result
The else:
"XML" : {
"ToUserName" : xml_dict. Get (" FromUserName "),
"FromUserName" : xml_dict. Get (" ToUserName "),
"CreateTime" : int (time. Time ()),
"MsgType", "text",
"Content" : "Dear I Love you so much,"
# converts dictionary XML string
Resp_xml_str=xmltodict. Unparse (resp_dict)
# returns message data to the WeChat server
Return resp_xml_str
If __name__=="__main__ ':
App. The run (host="", the port=80, debug=True)

Run the result is, the value of the random variable myvalue but a random value, but the initial value of global variables when too confusing,
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