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PC in LAN, can link the network of internal and external IP gateway
Time:12-11 segment on the right side of the two routers do HSRP hot backup, virtual gateway is,, but in the local area network (LAN) PC at the time of ping this virtual gateway, package always couldn't go out, vlan gateway, ICMP back pack has been 11, the target host unreachable! Layer 3 switches also open routing functions, and the route is direct why target host unreachable! On the other hand, refers to the default route in the layer 3 switches, why don't show in the routing table? The topology: Error message:
CodePudding user response:
First of all, within the local area network (LAN) each vlan can communicate with each other!
CodePudding user response:
Layer 3 switches 5 or 6 mouth should match into three layers, and then to 6.0 IP?
CodePudding user response:
Those two routers segment to the right of the back of routing?