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Vs2019 xaml designer happened without exception processing


Know what reason is this, every point once XAML there pop-up VS XAML designer has stopped work

System. ArgumentNullException
Value cannot be null,
Parameter name: path1
The System.IO.Path.Com bine (String path1, String path2)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Utility. FolderHelper. Get_BlendFolder ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. Themes. FolderBasedThemeManager. GetAvailableSystemThemeFolder (String [] subfolderNames)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. WpfDesigner. Themes. WpfThemeManager. Get_ThemeFolder ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. The Tools, Assets, ThemeContentProvider. GetThemeResourceFromPlatform (IPlatform platform, XamlResourceKey resourceKey, IList ` 1 & amp; AuxiliaryResources)
The Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.XamlDesigner.Com mands. ReplaceStyleTemplateCommand. ResolveDefaultStyle (SceneNode targetElement, Object defaultStyleKey, Boolean allowDefaultStyle, DocumentNode& CurrentStyle Boolean& IsThemeStyle, IList ` 1 & amp; AuxiliaryResources)
The Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.XamlDesigner.Com mands. ReplaceStyleTemplateCommand. ProvideCurrentStyle (SceneNode targetElement, IType targetType, PropertyReference targetPropertyReference, Boolean allowDefaultStyle, IList ` 1 & amp; AuxiliaryResources)
The Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.XamlDesigner.Com mands. EditCopyOfStyleCommand. Get_IsEnabled ()
In Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.Utility.Commands.Com mand. GetProperty (String propertyName, Object defaultValue)
The Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.XamlDesigner.Com mands. ReplaceStyleTemplateCommand. GetProperty (String propertyName)
In Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.Utility.Commands.Com mandTarget. & lt;> C__DisplayClass21_0. & lt; GetCommandProperty> B__0 ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Utility. ProtectionZone. DummyProtectionZone. Execute [T] (Func ` 1 Func)
In Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.Utility.Commands.Com mandTarget. GetCommandProperty (String commandName, String propertyName)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. Views. SceneView. UpdateCommandState (IEnumerable ` 1 commandNames, Boolean forceRefresh)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. Views. SceneView. SelectionManager_LateActiveSceneUpdatePhase (Object sender, SceneUpdatePhaseEventArgs args)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. The ViewModel. SceneUpdatePhaseEventHandler. Invoke (Object sender, SceneUpdatePhaseEventArgs e)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. The ViewModel. Selection. SelectionManager. FireLateActiveSceneUpdatePhase (SceneUpdatePhaseEventArgs args)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Designer. Views. SceneViewUpdateScheduleTask. UpdateLate ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Utility. The Scheduler. ScheduleTask. Update ()
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Utility. The Scheduler. SchedulingService. DispatchTasksAtPriority (DispatcherPriority priority)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. DesignTools. Utility. The Scheduler. SchedulingService. DispatcherToken. Dispatch (Object arg)
In the System. Windows. Threading. ExceptionWrapper. InternalRealCall (Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
In the System. Windows. Threading. ExceptionWrapper. TryCatchWhen (Object source and the Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
In the System. Windows. Threading. DispatcherOperation. InvokeImpl ()
In the System. Windows. Threading. DispatcherOperation. InvokeInSecurityContext (Object state)
In Ms. Internal. CulturePreservingExecutionContext. CallbackWrapper (Object obj)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. RunInternal (-- an optional ExecutionContext -- an optional ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. Run (-- an optional ExecutionContext -- an optional ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. Run (-- an optional ExecutionContext -- an optional ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state)
In Ms. Internal. CulturePreservingExecutionContext. Run (CulturePreservingExecutionContext -- an optional executionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state)
In the System. Windows. Threading. DispatcherOperation. Invoke ()
In the System. Windows. Threading. Dispatcher. ProcessQueue ()
In the System. Windows. Threading. Dispatcher. WndProcHook (IntPtr HWND, Int32 MSG, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& Handled)
In Ms. Win32. HwndWrapper. WndProc (IntPtr HWND, Int32 MSG, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& Handled)
In Ms. Win32. HwndSubclass. DispatcherCallbackOperation (Object o)
In the System. Windows. Threading. ExceptionWrapper. InternalRealCall (Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
In the System. Windows. Threading. ExceptionWrapper. TryCatchWhen (Object source and the Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
In the System. Windows. Threading. Dispatcher. LegacyInvokeImpl (DispatcherPriority priority, TimeSpan timeout, the Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
In Ms. Win32. HwndSubclass. SubclassWndProc (IntPtr HWND, Int32 MSG, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
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