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Dead simple instructions


Git init
Git remote add origin * *
The git pull origin master//master

The git log
Git commit -m "* *"
Git reset - hard * *

Master branch of git checkout master switch//
Git merge develop//merge
The workspace to submit to the staging area

Git add XXX: specify the documents submitted to the staging area
Git add. : all submissions to the staging area, include to modify and increase, but not delete
Git add -u: all submissions to the staging area, includes modify, and delete, but does not include the additional
Git add - A:. And -u
The staging area to submit to the historical area

Git commit: submit to the historical area (note: this submission need to note the operation information)
Git commit -m 'XXX' description (operation) : submit to the historical area
The git log: see submit records
Git reflog: see all history
For each area code difference between

Git diff: workspace and the staging area
Git diff - cached: staging area and historical area

3, submit to making (remote warehouse)
Git remote - v: see all associated information
Git remote add XXX/git remote warehouse address: associated
Git remote remove [default name: XXX origin customizable] : remove the associated

4, pull
In front of that remote warehouse, pull remote warehouse before you submit the
The git pull origin (the default) master

5, submit
Formally submitted
Git push origin master
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