Home > other >  Why the button before runAction animation has been an error in the callback?
Why the button before runAction animation has been an error in the callback?


Define your own classes left left left
 # pragma once 
# include "cocos2d. H"

The class MyCososAnimate: public cocos2d: : Node
MyCososAnimate ();
~ MyCososAnimate ();

Cocos2d: : Sprite * m_sprite=nullptr;
Cocos2d: : Animation * m_animation=nullptr;
Cocos2d: : the Animate * m_animate=nullptr;
Cocos2d: : ActionInterval * m_action=nullptr;

Bool MyRunAction ();
Virtual bool init (cocos2d: : Scene *);
The static MyCososAnimate * create (cocos2d: : Scene *);

 # include "MyCososAnimate. H" 
Using the namespace cocos2d;
MyCososAnimate: : MyCososAnimate ()

MyCososAnimate: : ~ MyCososAnimate ()

MyCososAnimate * MyCososAnimate: : create (cocos2d: : Scene * _pScene) {
MyCososAnimate * pRet=new MyCososAnimate ();
If (pRet & amp; & amp; PRet - & gt; Init (_pScene))
PRet - & gt; Autorelease ();
The else
The delete pRet.
Return pRet.

Bool MyCososAnimate: : init (cocos2d: : Scene * _pScene) {
Auto visibleSize=Director: : getInstance () - & gt; GetVisibleSize ();
Vec2 origin=Director: : getInstance () - & gt; GetVisibleOrigin ();
//add "HelloWorld" splash screen "
M_sprite=Sprite: : create (" images/Down_01. PNG ");
VectorInt tmpSize=4;
AnimFrames. Reserve (4);
For (int I=1; I & lt;=tmpSize; I++)
Char tmpStr [50]={};
Sprintf_s (tmpStr, "images/Down_0 % d.p ng", I);
AnimFrames. PushBack (SpriteFrame: : create (tmpStr, the Rect (0, 0, 25, 41)));
//Animation * Animation=Animation: : createWithSpriteFrames (animFrames, 0.1 f);
//the Animate * the Animate=the Animate: : create (animation);
M_animation=Animation: : createWithSpriteFrames (animFrames, 0.1 f);
M_animate=the Animate: : create (m_animation);
M_animate - & gt; Retain ();
M_sprite - & gt; SetScale (2.0 f);
//run it and repeat it forever
M_action=CCRepeatForever: : create (m_animate);
//the position the Sprite on the center of the screen
M_sprite - & gt; SetPosition (Vec2 (visibleSize. Width/2 + origin. X, visibleSize. Height/2 + origin. Y));

//add the Sprite as a child to this layer
_pScene - & gt; AddChild (m_sprite, 0);

Return true;

Bool MyCososAnimate: : MyRunAction () {
M_sprite - & gt; RunAction (m_action);
Return true;

Click on the lower right corner in the HELLOWORLD button the animation
 void HelloWorld: : menuCloseCallback (Ref * pSender) 
TmpAni - & gt; MyRunAction ();

To RUNACTION error,,,

CodePudding user response:

DIRECTOR: : GETINSTANCE () - & gt; GetActionManager () - & gt; PauseTarget (node)
If can solve pause, continue

CodePudding user response:

M_action=CCRepeatForever: : create (m_animate);

//animation seems not so created? I remember that there is an Animation is like
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