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Spark a remote job submission, textfile read a file error (for help)


System. SetProperty (" user name ", "root")
Val spark=new SparkContext (" spark://miluo1:7077 ", "spark Pi", "/usr/spark - 1.3.1")
Spark. AddJar (" C: \ \ Users \ \ root \ \ Desktop/IO jar ")
Val sc=spark. TextFile (" file:/root/2 TXT ")
Var SSS=sc. First ()
Println (SSS)
Spark. Stop ()

Is the code above, I am under the Windows eclipse (with scala plugin) run directly, in a remote submitted, but can't read the file, and if it is the spark://miluo1:7077 into the local (local) there is no issue,
Below is the error:
1. The eclipse error:
15/04/29 10:45:59 INFO SparkContext: Created broadcast from 0 textFile at SparkJava. Java: 21
The Exception in the thread "main" org. Apache. Hadoop. Mapred. InvalidInputException: Input the path does not exist: TXT file:/root/2
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. FileInputFormat. SingleThreadedListStatus (FileInputFormat. Java: 285)
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. FileInputFormat. ListStatus (FileInputFormat. Java: 228)
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. FileInputFormat. GetSplits (FileInputFormat. Java: 313)
The at org. Apache. Spark. RDD. HadoopRDD. GetPartitions (HadoopRDD. Scala: 203)

2. Log an error (work) on the node
15/04/29 10:23:49 ERROR FileAppender: ERROR writing the stream to the file/usr/spark - 1.3.1/work/app - 20150429102347-0046/0/st
Derrjava. IO. IOException: Stream closed
The at Java. IO. BufferedInputStream. GetBufIfOpen (BufferedInputStream. Java: 162)
The at Java. IO. BufferedInputStream. Read1 (BufferedInputStream. Java: 272)
The at Java. IO. BufferedInputStream. Read (BufferedInputStream. Java: 334)
The at Java. IO. FilterInputStream. Read (FilterInputStream. Java: 107)
The at org. Apache. Spark. Util. Logging. FileAppender. AppendStreamToFile (FileAppender. Scala: 70)
The at org. Apache. Spark. Util. Logging. The FileAppender $$-anon $1 $$anonfun $run $1. Apply $MCV $sp (FileAppender. Scala: 39)
The at org. Apache. Spark. Util. Logging. The FileAppender $$-anon $1 $$anonfun $run $1. Apply (FileAppender. Scala: 39)
The at org. Apache. Spark. Util. Logging. The FileAppender $$-anon $1 $$anonfun $run $1. Apply (FileAppender. Scala: 39)
The at org. Apache. Spark. Util. Utils $. LogUncaughtExceptions (Utils. Scala: 1618)
The at org. Apache. Spark. Util. Logging. FileAppender $$$1. -anon run (FileAppender. Scala: 38)
15/04/29 10:23:49 INFO Worker: Executor app - 20150429102347-0046/0 finished with state KILLED exitStatus 143
15/04/29 10:23:49 INFO Worker: Cleaning up the local directories for application app - 20150429102347-0046

Have not done remotely submit, great god, and before I ready hadoop remote job submission and integration of the web project,,, hope everybody many directions under

CodePudding user response:

Check your spark port 7077 should be the spark you are worthy of not you look at this port configuration file I encountered such a problem because the spark port write wrong

CodePudding user response:

Can read just a ghost, you put the file:/root/2 TXT file to each work node

CodePudding user response:

Could you tell me the problem then you solve? I also encountered this problem,

CodePudding user response:

I later discovered, textFile local file should be read, that is you on Windows files, and then submit to the cluster, rather than submit to the cluster, the cluster under the various nodes of the path to read the file again,

CodePudding user response:

reference 3 floor fine_weather response:
solved this problem, please you later? I also encountered this problem, the

Hello, I would like to ask under the window under the eclipse debug spark need, what is installed on the machine in my local debugging all kinds of problems,

CodePudding user response:

You can take a local file to the HDFS, then read on HDFS file,

CodePudding user response:

Brother, under Windows file system path should not be like that, you should be file:///D:/demo.txt or/D:/demo. TXT

CodePudding user response:

If you are a local running, the file should be in the Windows, then follow the path to the file of Windows if submitted to the cluster, then Linux file path, at the same time you only textFile, premise is you every worker has the file, or you need the addFile (filePath), then use SparkFiles. Get (filePath) file, the addFile will let worker temporarily keep you add files

CodePudding user response:

Can't find the file you submitted his reading is the spark of cluster file system
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