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What is a steam trap


Steam trap is to water and condensate gas discharge, to plug the leak, steam valves in industry, heating steam is often used to product or drive machinery, in this case, the use of steam trap, to ensure that no steam leakage,

In valve terminology, "trap" is defined as a kind of could be automatically without outside help from equipment or piping to exclude condensate device, what is the purpose of the installation of steam trap? Heating steam is water evaporation after the formation of the gas, for evaporation, water molecules must absorb enough energy to decompose, this process of energy conversion from liquid to gas is called latent heat,

Basis: steam heat exchanger using the latent heat of steam heat passed on to the product, but when the steam heating task (i.e., latent heat loss), the steam condenses into water, in other words, the condensate does not have steam heating ability of the object, the heat transfer efficiency will be affected, therefore in both steam pipe and heat exchanger, condensate drain must quickly,

Why steam trap is necessary, the general valve what's the problem? Sometimes people will think that can be done by manual regulation valve opening water emissions, to use alternative control valve to replace the traditional steam trap, in theory, it is possible, however, need to meet the conditions and situation is extreme, so in fact, this is not a practical solution, the biggest problem is how to set up the opening of the valve, if set on the fixed opening, might not be as condensate formation rate fluctuation and adjustment, in fact, in the same system in the formation of condensation water is not the same,

In terms of equipment, at the start of the condensation water is different from the normal operation of condensate water, the product load fluctuations will also affect the condensation water, in the same way, in the case of steam pipeline, the amount of condensation water are also associated with outdoor temperature and weather, if the device cannot bear the fluctuation of water load, need immediate discharge the condensate from the opposite equipment, or a pipe in the accumulation of water would affect the heat transfer efficiency, on the other hand, when condensate load reduce produce steam leak, cause the waste of steam, lower in thermal efficiency and exhaust steam trap is suitable for various machinery, various types of steam trap (according to the principle of work classification) has been successfully developed, can automatically discharge the condensate and non-condensable gas, at present, the principle of the most commonly used is to use the difference in temperature, specific gravity, differential pressure, the three aspects of each type of trap has its advantages and USES,
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