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WPF custom Windows cannot when the design preview


Used to build custom controls (not user control) method to build a custom Windows

XMLNS: x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
XMLNS: local="CLR namespace: ExControls" & gt;

<style TargetType="{x: Type local: ExWindow}" & gt;


Then, define the class

Public class ExWindow: Window
The static ExingWindow ()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty. OverrideMetadata (typeof (ExWindow), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata (typeof (ExWindow)));

///& lt; Summary>
///& lt;/summary>
Public ExingWindow ()
Enclosing WindowStyle=WindowStyle. None;//plus the also not line, form the WindowStyle constant, when the design only at run time change

Finally in Generic. The xaml file references the form

The last word in the project, cannot when the design preview,

But at runtime, excuse me everybody who met this kind of phenomenon? Is how to solve?
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