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In Python design magazine subscriptions

A magazine subscription system involves the following information:
Serial number, journal magazine information: name, category, phase number, each pages, comfortable reading, publishing period (weekly, monthly, bimonthly and quarterly, etc), size, sales status (stop at pin or pin), ISBN, the publisher, single period pricing, pricing, price activities, etc.
Customer information: number (to be automatic), customer name, contact phone number, shipping address, etc.
Subscription management information: order no. (to be automatic), customer number (inherited customer information class), adopted by the magazine serial number, order date, starting monthly subscription, the subscription termination exergue, payable amount, payment method, if I pay a subscription status (did not start, distribution, complete or unsubscribe), etc.
Requirements of journal of information and customer information to initialize () to read data from a text file, entry, display, all kinds of query, modify, delete, statistics, save (to write data into the text file), and other functions; Can realize subscribe, unsubscribe (subscription status to not start order to unsubscribe) and other business, the business process results in the form of subscription management information preservation, can also be initialized to the subscription management information () to read data from a text file, display, all kinds of query, statistics, save (writing data to a text file), and other functions,

The above is the whole problem, want to ask the statistical information and customer information with what method implementation, uh... Feel unable to understand exactly what the statistic, statistical information of the whole magazine? That it can directly inside the class definition magazine array using the show () show, but I understand too simple,
Business process results in the form of subscription management information preservation, is to use "the name of the class (arguments 1, 2 arguments,...). "?
Dear bosses, help to look at,