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Cloud computing 15 big trends in 2021! Hosting data center 7 big trend!


At the end of 2020, the past looking to the future, a keen grasp industry trends, to have the opportunity to win more possible, today, small make up to share about cloud computing in 2021 and the trend of hosting data center,

a, cloud top 15 2021 forecast
In the "IDC FutureScape: global cloud computing forecast 2021 - China's enlightenment" report, forecast to cloud computing market in China are as follows:
Predicting 1: across gathered into
By 2021, all the enterprises adopt cloud computing needs to deal with cross cloud application and data integration problem; 20% of enterprises will use interconnection of cloud architecture to overcome these problems,

Sovereignty and predict 2: data privacy
By 2022, 70% of businesses in evaluating run privacy sensitive workload of cloud services, will require a trans-regional service maintenance data sovereignty and control ability,

Predict 3: application modernization
In order to achieve business agility, the enterprise is committed to using cloud native development and deployment of services, in 2023 30% of its existing application modernization,

Forecast 4: cloud spending optimization
By 2022, the enterprise will realize they wasted at least 20% of spending on public clouds, it will prompt it to invest in public clouds, cost management goal is to cloud wasteful spending in half,

Cloud solutions predicted 5: industry
By 2022, the enterprise will take 20% of the new cloud service expenditure is allocated to meet the demands of a vertical industry and its ecological data sharing cloud solutions,

Forecast 6: cloud dedicated equipment
By 2024, deployed in more than 25% of new workloads on public clouds will use the service dedicated infrastructure components to optimize for specific cases,

Predict 7: cloud native SaaS
By 2024, the function of the enterprise for lightweight demand rich SaaS solutions, will push for more than 35% of the software developer (ISV) to architecture or build new cloud native applications,

Forecasts 8: cloud centered operation
By 2024, over 55% of companies will use cloud computing to the cloud as the center of the operation mode of the model to replace the outdated, promote the organization cooperation, achieve better business results,

Predicted 9: cloud network edge fusion
By 2024, 25% of the group will be through the edge data and application integration on the cloud platform (through the cloud of cooperation with communication service providers) to improve business agility,

Predicted 10: data-driven
By 2025, in order to achieve better automation and business agility, more than 25% of the new cloud applications will use data-centric event driven architecture, instead of the traditional code-centric architecture,

In addition, about 2021 years, the development trend of cloud computing, there are also some other experts forecast on the market, might as well take a look at,

Other predictions: cloud computing

Predicting 1: hybrid cloud computing will be dominant in 2021
So far, many organizations are using hybrid cloud computing system to maintain its working process and production, many experts believe that by 2021, industry organizations will adopt a hybrid cloud, people want to get the ideal speed from hybrid cloud, good control and improved security,

Prediction 2: no server computing will rise
No server computing is a cloud platform based on the technology of functionality, it provides a space on the core product, at the same time without the pressure of the operation or management server,

In addition, no server for cloud computing could change enterprise concept of some use, according to Gartner, according to data from the global number of companies adopting server computing will grow by about 20%, this means that no server computing will rise,

Predict 3: integration of the "digital natives" requirements, improve productivity
Have the survey report shows that by 2025, millennials are expected to cover 75% of the work space, the data shows that the global trend of the development of "digital natives",

"Digital natives" usually contains two types of employees: the first kind of tend to be far away from the technology, the application of the second tend to have more technology, cloud computing and other related technologies are now integrating these two types of employees, this will increase the productivity of enterprises,

Forecast 4: need containers and Kubernetes
So far, the rise of Kubernetes significantly increased the private cloud container usage, research firm IDC projects that by 2021, many companies will use Kubernetes deployment of more than 95% of the micro service in the container,

Cooperation between predicted 5. Cloud computing providers,
2021 will see more cloud computing and cloud providers started cooperation, because the cloud computing provider admitted that they started to cooperation to speed up the market, using their own advantages to occupy a larger market share, Oracle and Microsoft in June 2019 the collaboration is one example, using the Oracle network technology and Microsoft's machine learning ability,

Two, hosting data center in 2021 7 big trend

With traditional workload and with strict compliance requirements of the enterprise, in addition to cloud computing, hosting data center is also a part of their IT strategy, experts predict that in 2021, the world's hosting data centers will have seven big trend,

Trend 1: market growth
By 2021, global custody and data center products and services will still be strong growth of demand, the new crown pneumonia outbreak and remote work mode in the home, increased the demand for hybrid IT and as a service product, in these areas, hosting service is the main pillar,

Trend 2: remote service will increase
Outbreak continues to spread, people travel will be affected by the travel bans or isolation, which means that the enterprise customer cannot let their employees to the hosting data center management and maintenance, start the server and replace the hard disk, for example,

Trend 3: expand the role of the in remote labor safety
Outbreak began to occur in early 2020, many enterprises rapidly deployed methods such as VPN, employees to work remotely from home to the application of security access, these companies may wish to use hosting service in 2021, in order to enhance security,

Trend 4: the development of edge computing
Hosting data center facilities need to weigh the edge to mandatory use case calculation, the influence of technology and investment strategy, 2021 will reveal the sustainable development of 5 g will be how to enhance the further development of margin calculation, in this context, many hosting service providers are investing edge data center, for large scale cloud computing providers have not into the market,

Trend 5: new data center
Appeared in 2021 and beyond the edge of the data center will are different from traditional data center facilities, deployed on a large scale in the data center clients, is giving way to a smaller deployment with special functions, and the deployment needs to reduce delay, customers are turning to use less quantity but higher power density frame,

Trend 6: artificial intelligence demand for infrastructure
5 g technology is not only shape hosting data center trends, artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence computing as a service will greatly affect the data center service, this effect is mainly due to the mass run infrastructure caused by the electrical and mechanical requirements of artificial intelligence,

Trend 7: pay attention to the environmental impact
Hosting providers will pay more attention to and research in the 2021 energy usage, we will continue to see the data center provider to innovate, to minimize the impact on the environment,

Year-end welfare

"Cloud services that something" public background reply keywords "IDC", can obtain "China IDC industry information daquan (2021 edition)"
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