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The cause of the rosemount flowmeter indicates failure


Rosemount flowmeter in the process of long-term use, the instructions may appear some problems: the instruction for use for a long time is not accurate; Always no sign; Said big range and no readings; Do not return to zero; Small flow without instructions; When the big flow indicator is normal, when small flow indicator is not normal; The change of the indicated value cannot keep up with the flow rate change; The K coefficient can not be sure, many places do not match the data,
Reason for the rosemount problems mainly has the following several aspects:
1. The flow meter installation problem:
The main reason is that sensor of the straight pipe length is insufficient, affect the measurement accuracy, cause long time is not accurate,
2. Rosemount flowmeter selection:
After the diameter selection or design of type selection, due to the change of process conditions, choose large size, should be chosen as small as possible in the model selection of the actual diameter, in order to improve the accuracy of measurement, if there is an error in the work, will cause the flowmeter measurement is accurate, size deviation and flow measurement, for example, vortex several devices used in piping design, because sometimes this process does not use the equipment, the actual use reduced flow, design models and the actual use of original size is too big, is to improve the lower limit of measurable flow, small flow process piping instruction cannot assure, big flow can also be used, because if you want to modify, sometimes too difficult, and the change of process conditions is only temporary, reset can be combined with parameters, to improve the accuracy of instructions,
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