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Python Tkinter GUI development procedure and result (a)


as an engineering science is not the computer industry, led the recent want to make a GUI automatic processing EXCEL data, and realize the data processing, to achieve the desired effect, here give you step by step process and code sharing, my level is limited, please also bosses guidance,
Mainly introduces the GUI interface, today I find a lot of information, think TKinter is suitable for beginners learning, in this way, the follow-up if tried other methods to post your discussion, mainly includes: according to the requirement on the GUI interface file path choice, file consolidation, file results demonstrate several aspects, such as, personal feel main difficulties in creating a scroll bar for text box here, the code is as follows:

interface is as follows:

code is as follows:
  #! The/usr/bin/env python 
# coding: utf-8

# In [102] :

The from tkinter import *
The from tkinter import messagebox
The from tkinter import TTK
The from tkinter import PhotoImage
The from tkinter. Filedialog import *

The import OS
The import pandas as pd
The import numpy as np
The import matplotlib. Pyplot as pt
# get_ipython (.) run_line_magic (' matplotlib ', 'inline')
The import matplotlib as MPL
The import XLRD, XLWT
The import openpyxl
The from mpl_toolkits. Axisartist. Axislines import SubplotZero
The from matplotlib. Pyplot import MultipleLocator
MPL. RcParams [' font. Sans-serif]=[' SimHei] # specify a default font SimHei for blackbody
MPL. RcParams [' axes. Unicode_minus]=False # is used to display normal minus

The class Application (Frame) :
A classic GUI program "" "" ""
Def __init__ (self, master=None) :
Super () __init__ (master)
The self. The master=master
The self. The grid (#) using the grid layout
# self. Columnconfigure (0, minsize=2)
Self. Aptly named createWidget ()

Def aptly named createWidget (self) :
Creates a component "" "" ""

Self. Btn01=Button (self, text="file selection," width=10, height=2,
Self. Btn01. The grid (row=0, the column=0)

Self. V1=StringVar ()
Self. Entry01=Entry (self, textvariable=self. V1)
Self. Entry01. The grid (row=0, the column=1)
Self. Entry01. Delete (# 0, END) of the content of the input box to empty
Self. Entry01. Insert (0, 'choose file path)

Self. Btn02=Button (self, text="file merging," width=10, height=2,
Self. Btn02. The grid (row=2, the column=0)

Self. Label01=Label (self, text="please select thermal damage parameters," width=15, height=2)
Self. Label01. The grid (row=4, the column=0)
The self. The name=StringVar ()
Self.com box=ttk.Com bobox (self, textvariable=self. The name)
Self.com box [" state "]="readonly"
# self.com box. Current (0)
Self.com box. Bind (" & lt; & gt;" )
Self.com box. The grid (row=4, the column=1)

Self. Label01=Label (self, text="please select the speed parameter," width=15, height=2)
Self. Label01. The grid (row=4, the column=2)
Self. Name01=StringVar ()
Self.com box01=ttk.Com bobox (self, textvariable=self. Name01)
Self.com box01 [" state "]="readonly"
# self.com box. Current (0)
Self.com box01. Bind (" & lt; & gt;" )
Self.com box01. The grid (row=4, the column=3)

Self. Btn03=Button (self, text="starting", fg="blue")
Self. Btn03. The grid (row=8, the column=0)
Self. Label02=Label (self, text="ratio results", fg="red")
Self. Label02. The grid (row=10, the column=0)
Self. Btn03=Button (self, text="results to empty", fg="green", the command=self. Delete)
Self. Btn03. The grid (row=11, the column=0)

Self. Label03=Label (self, text="low", fg="black")
Self. Label03. The grid (row=10, the column=1)
The self. The scrollbar=scrollbar (self, received a="vertical")
The self. The scrollbar. Grid (row=11, the column=2, sticky=S + W + N)
Self. Listbox=listbox (self, height=6, width=20, yscrollcommand=self. The scrollbar. Set)
The self. The scrollbar. Config (command=self. The listbox. Yview)
The self. The listbox. The grid (row=11, the column=1, sticky=S + W + E + N)

Self. Label04=Label (self, text="variable speed climbing", fg="black")
Self. Label04. The grid (row=10, the column=3)
Self. Scrollbar01=Scrollbar (self, received a="vertical")
Self. Scrollbar01. The grid (row=11, the column=4, sticky=S + W + N)
Self. Listbox01=Listbox (self, height=6, width=20, yscrollcommand=self. Scrollbar01. Set)
Self. Scrollbar01. Config (command=self. Listbox01. Yview)
Self. Listbox01. The grid (row=11, the column=3, sticky=S + W + E + N)

Self. Label05=Label (self, text="city", fg="black")
Self. Label05. The grid (row=10, the column=5)
Self. Scrollbar02=Scrollbar (self, received a="vertical")
Self. Scrollbar02. The grid (row=11, the column=6, sticky=S + W + N)
Self. Listbox02=Listbox (self, height=6, width=20, yscrollcommand=self. Scrollbar02. Set)
Self. Scrollbar02. Config (command=self. Listbox02. Yview)
Self. Listbox02. The grid (row=11, the column=5, sticky=S + W + E + N)

Self. Label06=Label (self, text="high speed climbing", fg="black")
Self. Label06. The grid (row=10, the column=7)
Self. Scrollbar03=Scrollbar (self, received a="vertical")
Self. Scrollbar03. The grid (row=11, the column=8, sticky=S + W + N)
Self. Listbox03=Listbox (self, height=6, width=20, yscrollcommand=self. Scrollbar03. Set)
Self. Scrollbar03. Config (command=self. Listbox03. Yview)
Self. Listbox03. The grid (row=11, the column=7, sticky=S + W + E + N)

Self. Label07=Label (self, text="high speed", fg="black")
Self. Label07. The grid (row=10, the column=9)
Self. Scrollbar04=Scrollbar (self, received a="vertical")
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