Wang Shuang assembly language teacher, wrote a:
Assume cs: codesg, ds: datasg
Datasg segment
The db 'DEC'
The db 'Ken Oslen'
The db '137'
The db '40'
The db 'PDP'
Datasg ends
Codesg segment
Start: mov ax, datasg
Mov ds, ax; Pointing to the DS data segment
Mov si, 0; Start with from ds: si
Mov bx, 60 h; Offset bx buy 60
Mov di, 0; The target address
Cx, mov 20
S: mov ax, ds: [si]
Mov word PTR ds: [bx + di], ax
Inc si
Inc di
Loop s
Mov word PTR [bx]. 0 ch, 38; Rank field to 38
Add word PTR [bx]. 0 eh, 70; Income field increase 70
; Mov di, 0; Characters in a string using the sp to locate the products
; Mov [bx + 10] [di], 'V'
; Inc di
; Mov [bx + 10] [di], 'A'
; Inc di
; Mov [bx + 10] [di], 'X'
Mov ax, 4 c00h
Int 21 h
Codesg ends
The end start
Perform to loop s, see the 076 a: 60 content is as follows:
Followed by implementation of the two sentences
Mov word PTR [bx]. 0 ch, 38; Rank field to 38
Add word PTR [bx]. 0 eh, 70; Income field increase 70
The results are as follows:
Appeared as shown in the results, please help to analysis. Thanks