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In 2021 China customer what are the characteristics of the future? The big news on the public cloud


1. Ali cloud will provide public cloud services in Saudi Arabia
Hold according to media reports, the Saudi telecom company (STC) and risk investment fund eWTP matter Capital announced, establishing partnerships with ali cloud, provides the high performance of public cloud services for Saudi Arabia, ali cloud to Saudi Arabia investment plan in the next five years to $500 million, and set up a new office in Riyadh, provide services and training for local customers,

2. Tencent cloud database upgrade three product lines into TDSQL
Tencent cloud has formally announced its new strategic upgrade plan database TDSQL brand and the future development strategy, tencent cloud will original TDSQL, TBase, three products will be unified CynosDB upgraded to "tencent cloud enterprise TDSQL distributed database", a brand new upgraded tencent TDSQL cloud will cover distributed, analytical, cloud native multi-engine fusion system of complete database products, such as

3. Joint CNCF huawei cloud, mail tunnels in China set up "and the original will be"

Recently, huawei cloud TechWave cloud native 2.0 technology summit held in shenzhen, at the scene of the summit, joint CNCF huawei cloud, cloud native Chinese mail tunnels and the industry technical elite, jointly issued the globalization cloud native communication platform "original", "and the original will be" aims to explore front cloud native technology, sharing of industry practice, landing create infinite possibility of cloud native and business integration,

4. IDC China's future customers 10 2021 forecast

International data corporation (IDC) released on predicting the future customers of China in 2021, covers the number, consumption, content such as privacy,

IDC FutureScape forecast for China's future customers as follows:
Predicting 1: digital priority
By 2021, 70% of organizations will be through automation and non-contact experience lead in turn to digital, convenient for physical interaction has become the past type,

Prediction 2: enterprise empathy
By 2025, the large-scale empathy and safety performance outstanding enterprises will be more than 40% of the companies who do not have equal ability,

Predict 3: consumer entertainment
By 2022, fortune 500 B2C brand in China, 45% of the company's executives will be appointed, is responsible for the increased use of "entertainment" customers' application, to contact and alpha Z generation generation of buyers,

Forecast 4: consumer generated video
By 2025, 50% of China's fortune 500 companies in the consumer generated video input will verify that the income of the enterprise and the influence of customer satisfaction,

Predict 5:
new environmentIn 2021, the customer will be the cost of the additional 25% with digital transformation can be quickly and easily adapt to the new business environment the company cooperation,

Forecast 6: partner
By 2024, there will be 60% of the mature technology buyers choose well-known partners, through faster and faster pace of innovation, to adapt to changing consumer demand,

Predict 7:
control of the organizationBy 2023, 45% of organizations will be using standardized workflow with enterprise application link to regain control of the user-defined application stability, and thus improve the customer data security and provide excellent customer experience,

Forecasts 8: social responsibility
By the end of 2023, there will be 80% of the large and medium-sized enterprises to develop or modify the social responsibility statement, and make their customers to cognition, so as to promote the development of social undertakings,

Predicted 9: human experiences
By 2021, 65% of new mobile applications will focus on providing consumers with humanized digital experiences, make consumers more identity of new digital priority,

Predicted 10: privacy value
By 2024, the privacy will be redefined as "data value", the supplier will provide customer loyalty service plan, in exchange for consumer data, 70% of consumers will be involved,
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