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Common inventory cloud migration strategies and tools! To solve common problems!


At present, many enterprises are trying to involve cloud migration of large scale digital transformation, because they've realized that cloud computing services, competition is not only a product, for government, enterprises and other large customers pay more attention to service, while cloud migration is the key link in service,

So, what are the cloud migration process? The complexity of the different strategies? Tools on how to use? Customer care most about what problem? Today, the small make up to share these things about cloud migration,

a, cloud migration way
Cloud migration at present is mainly P2V or V2V, namely from the user's original physical machines to virtual machine migration of cloud, or from the cloud to migrate to another cloud environment,

According to the needs of different customers, roughly divided into three categories: all migration system or application, the file data migration, database migration,

2, cloud migration process
Cloud migration is the most complicated engineering prophase research and preparation of the project, rather than the direct implementation, research the user's network architecture, resource usage, traffic situation, resources utilization, these all is crucial, prepare project more fully, then implement the easier,

In general, the cloud migration generally follow the following principles: 1. Simple before difficulties; After 2. First, non-critical, critical applications; 3. The evaluation before migration,

three, the migration tool
For large government affair application system, advice is given priority to with redeployment, benefit is original factory service, give full play to guarantee the safe and stable,

For small applications, can use the tools, such as P2V VConverter, physical data migration, generally in the heart of the migration process is interrupted cut over several hours of migration, if you need to reduce the impact on the system interrupt, general need for database for heat transfer,

Can be used for database migration, Oracle Dataguard master-slave configuration, use Mysql master-slave configuration, through the application of cold transfer + data of heat transfer, reduce the impact on the business, but the way of integration ability request is higher, need to the user database,

4, 6 kinds of common cloud migration strategy
Gartner as early as 2010 issued a "5 r" model, but with the constant improvement of technology, at present, the methods and strategies on the cloud in the migration, generally considered to be "6 r" strategy,

Strategy 1: Re - Host
To hosting, also known as "direct migration"
The migration complexity:

Migration is the most common cloud migration method directly, as the name implies, namely, without changing the application runtime environment under the premise of the system and data migration on the cloud,

Direct migration is generally moving physical machines into a virtual machine, or will be migrated to a virtual machine virtual machine, if companies want to rapid cloud, the cloud or have large applications need direct migration is a migration method is the most appropriate and effective,

Strategy 2: Re - Platform
Replace the platform, also known as the "repair after migration
"High migration complexity:

Under the premise of without changing the application core architecture, data and system migration on clouds, on the application to do some simple cloud optimization, this method is called the "migration" after repair, most companies will use this method to reduce the management cost, and improve efficiency,

For example, use the database service provided by the cloud service provider instead of the original relational database, or use the message queue service provided by the cloud service provider instead of the original custom message middleware,

Strategy 3: Re - Purchase
To purchase, also known as "give up after buying"
The migration complexity:

"After giving up to buy" means abandoned the original products, and purchase new alternatives, such as the old management system, use the same kind of SaaS products to replace, or choose the same manufacturer SaaS products,

Strategy 4: Re - Architect
High migration complexity:

"Reconstructed", that is, to the architecture of the application and development of model reconstruction, realize the cloud native application service, when the existing application environment is difficult to meet the use of in the future, or unable to meet the needs of future performance and scale, "rebuilding" is adopted in this kind of migration patterns,

"Rebuilding" relative to other methods, the highest cost, but in the long run, more meet the needs of future business and systems,

Strategy 5: Retire
Stop using the
Low migration complexity:

No relevant value when the system or application, but also in the continuous news resources, it is recommended to use "disable" strategy, namely after the necessary data archiving, stop using the current infrastructure,

Strategy 6: Retain
Low migration complexity:

If existing business or application does not have the condition of the clouds, not ready to the cloud or more suitable for local deployment, need to operate according to the actual needs of business development, when the above cases, suggest keep the status quo, do not need to be forced to migrate in the operation of the cloud,

5, frequently asked questions about cloud migration
Q: whether must change the server IP address?
A: because of the Internet operators routing to reason, migrated server Internet IP address changes generally, generally only need to replace the customer can modify DNS IP, the impact to the customer,

Private network and server IP address generally does not change in principle, public cloud service provider's private electronic retailing generally allowed in 10172192 these three private network address segment arbitrary choice, after the customers on the server migration of cloud can still retain the original IP address, but have special case, if the user needs by special line and the public cloud, private get through, general feeling down the IP address must be the change, otherwise it would be an IP address conflict; But the solution can be achieved by vxlan VPN equipment such as through network, on the second floor

Q: does the migration on cloud users directly to the original business system can be deployed?
A: because the customer of the original system architecture and business system architecture of the cloud environment differences, general large business systems in the cloud on the process optimization of system architecture, for example, A customer the original business system adopts 128 cores of high performance computing server, in the process of on cloud, advising clients to adopt more than one of 32 nuclear server cluster, and USES the SLB for load balancing, in order to ensure smooth scalability of the business,

Q: in the process of migration data volume is very big, have any way to improve the migration speed?
A: the amount of data that are generally large business systems to TB level at the meeting, if use 10 MBPS line, the general will pass A few days time, at this moment, can adopt the way of A temporary increase the Internet bandwidth to improve the transmission rate,

If the customer is required to the safety of the data, the server may be required to use special line in a way that the migration of data, such as the Mysql database,

Q: with the method of physical mobility, need customer do?
A: with the method of direct data copy, direct users to server and the cloud server network communication, and the agent can be installed on the client/server start heat transfer, minimal impact to the customer and advice in the customer data quantity is small to start the migration,
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