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Hire foreign server needs to pay attention to?


Rent the server before choosing configuration, companies will need to consider to choose which part of the server, such as server, domestic or foreign server, if your business abroad, domestic employees need access to foreign websites, or to the local user access, then you need to hire a foreign server, before renting server abroad, there are three points you must consider:
L how to choose the server configuration

Server configuration basically see the processor, memory, hard disk, bandwidth, operating system, etc., select the server configuration according to their own needs, as far as possible to maximize the resource utilization and the highest cost-effective,

1. The processing unit (CPU) : for virtualization, video transcoding, SQL or chat server applications, such as select xeon or dual xeon server,

2. Bandwidth: if detected high site traffic, so you need to increase the bandwidth, if you plan to run the script, need to upload the hd pictures or transfer multimedia files, so please choose big bandwidth server,

3. Memory: memory in determining servers running efficiency and the web site loading speed is very important, more RAM memory chips=better speed,

4. Operating system: according to your needs, to decide whether to need Windows dedicated server or Linux dedicated server,

5. Storage: knowing your website data storage requirements, you can choose from several hard drive option, usually, RAID is preferred, because if there is a hardware failure, all of your data will be lost, RAID image of replication can ensure data security,

6. Application: if you need to put MS SQL, such as http://ASP.NET or Microsoft IIS application, so you need is a Windows dedicated server, if you upload a LAMP, MEAN stack or don't need a particular Microsoft license application, then Linux dedicated server is more suitable for you,

L how to judge the stand or fall of data center room

The Uptime Institute data center room can be divided into four classes, namely by "level of Tier I" (no redundant parts of system) to The level of "Tier IV" (with redundant fault components and The system can realize continuous maintenance) The four level, a set of standards has become The world recognized by The vast majority of IDC industry area,

T1, 99.67% uptime, no redundant, 28.8 hours of downtime per year,

T2:99.74% uptime, cooling and power supply redundancy, 22 hours downtime per year,

T3 level: 99.98% uptime, fault-tolerant N + 1, 1.6 hours downtime for a year,

T4 level: 99.99% uptime, 2 n + 1 redundancy completely infrastructure, every 26.3 minutes of downtime,

In general, the higher the grade, the higher the reliability of the data center,

, of course, this is not absolute criteria, combined with data center on the international level there are strict standards, few data center can reach levels T3, or T4, in many cases, this is just a service provider a propaganda slogan, so, in addition, you can also power supply from the data center, hardware, fire protection, architecture, data privacy issues such as judge,

L how to look for professional service

On the one hand, you can refer to service industry qualification, such as domestic IDC, ICP industry qualification certification; On the other hand you can consider from the after-sales service, the good service provided by the service time is longer, faster response time, after-sales service more professional, and provide 7 * 24 hours service, can meet the terms of services more professional and trustworthy; In terms of operations, service providers, responsible for enterprise customers to ensure that the IT infrastructure of the physical security and network uptime
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