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The small white encounter a problem, to solve


This is to run the code, in the work area SRC/business directory
Package the main

Import (

Func main () {
Numbers, err:=datafile. GetFloats (" data. TXT ")
if err ! Nil={
The Fatal (err)
Var sum float64=0
For _, number:=range Numbers {
The sum +=number
SampleCount:=float64 (len (Numbers))
FMT. Printf (" business: % 0.2 f \ n ", the sum/sampleCount)

This is the calling code, in the work area under SRC/datafile
Package datafile

Import (

Func GetFloats fileName (string) ([] float64, error) {
Var Numbers [] float64
The file, err:=OS. Open (fileName)
if err ! Nil={

Return Numbers, err
Scanner:=bufio NewScanner (file)
For scanner. The Scan () {
Number, err:=strconv ParseFloat (scanner. The Text (), 64)
if err ! Nil={
Return Numbers, err
Numbers=append (Numbers, number)
Err=file. The Close ()
if err ! Nil={
Return Numbers, err
If the scanner. Err ()! Nil={
Return Numbers, scanner. Err ()
Return Numbers, nil

Then, run the first code of time vs code to the error

I want to ask is this error because I couldn't find the data. TXT
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