Char click;
Void gotoxy (short x, short y) {
SetConsoleCursorPosition (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
Typedef struct Snake
Int x;
Int y;
Struct Snake * next;
} the snake;
The snake * head;//define the snake pointer;
Struct Food
Int x;
Int y;
} the food;
Void creatmap ();//create a map
Void creatfood ();//create food
Void movebody ();//move
Void eatfood ();//to eat the food
Int clickcontrol ();//keyboard information
Int Judge ();//whether the game end
Void freesnake ();//release list memory
Void gotoxyprint (int x, int y);//print square
Void gotoxydelet (int x, int y);//remove squares
Int main ()
System (" color 0 b ");
Creatmap ();
Creatfood ();
If (clickcontrol ()) return 0;
Void creatmap early ()//to create maps and set the snake
int i;
The snake * p, * q;
For (I=0; I & lt; 50; I +=2)
Gotoxyprint (0, I);
Gotoxyprint (24, I);
For (I=0; I & lt; 24. I +=1)
Gotoxyprint (I, 0);
Gotoxyprint (I, 48);
Head=(snake *) malloc (sizeof (snake));
P=(snake *) malloc (sizeof (snake));
Q=(snake *) malloc (sizeof (snake));
The head - & gt; X=5;
The head - & gt; Y=5;
P - & gt; X=6;
P - & gt; Y=5;
Q - & gt; X=7;
Q - & gt; Y=5;
The head - & gt; Next=p;
P - & gt; Next=q;
Q - & gt; Next=NULL;
Gotoxyprint (head - & gt; X, the head - & gt; y);
Gotoxyprint (p - & gt; X and p - & gt; y);
Gotoxyprint (q - & gt; X, q - & gt; y);
Void gotoxyprint (int x, int y)
Gotoxy (y, x);
Printf (" a square ");//content cannot contain the following special characters
Void gotoxydelet (int x, int y)
Gotoxy (y, x);
printf(" ");
Void creatfood ()
Int flag=1;
The snake * l=head;
Srand ((int) time (0));
While (flag)
Food. X=rand () % (48-2 + 1) + 2;
Food. Y=rand () % (24-1 + 1) + 1;
While (1)//out food to the snake body
If (l==NULL)
If (food. X==l - & gt; X & amp; & Food. Y==l - & gt; Y)
L=l - & gt; Next;
Gotoxy (food. X, food. Y);
Printf (" you ");
Int clickcontrol ()
While (1)
If (Judge ()==0) return 0;
If (_kbhit ())
Click=_getch ();
Sleep (150);
Movebody ();
Eatfood ();
return 1;
Void movebody ()
The snake * p=head;
The switch (click)
Case 'w' : the head - & gt; X=1;
Case 's' : the head - & gt; X +=1;
Case 'a' : the head - & gt; Y=2;
Case 'd' : the head - & gt; Y +=2;
While (p - & gt; Next)
P=p - & gt; Next;
Gotoxydelet (p - & gt; X and p - & gt; y);
Free (p);
Gotoxyprint (head - & gt; X, the head - & gt; y);
P=(snake *) malloc (sizeof (snake));
P - & gt; Next=head;
The head=p;
Void eatfood ()
Snake * tail=(snake *) malloc (sizeof (snake), * p=head;
If (food. X==head - & gt; X& & Food. Y==head - & gt; Y)
While (p - & gt; Next)
P=p - & gt; Next;
P - & gt; Next=tail;
Tail - & gt; Next=NULL;
Int Judge ()//whether the game end
The snake * p=head;
If (the head - & gt; X==0 | | head - & gt; X==50 | | head - & gt; Y==0 | | head - & gt; Y==25)
Freesnake ();
return 0;
return 0;
While (p)
P=p - & gt; Next;
If (the head - & gt; X==p - & gt; X& & The head - & gt; Y==p - & gt; Y)
Freesnake ();
return 0;
return 1;
Void freesnake ()//release list memory
The snake * p;
While (the head)
P=the head;
The head=head - & gt; Next;
Free (p);
CodePudding user response:
Mobile body parts logic has a problem, it is suggested that try to miss zhao step through lawCodePudding user response:
Don't rely on the debugger output complex data structure. And complex data structures to the entire content of every step of the process it using a small piece of code is easy to understand by yourself the format of the output, help to debug very much! Or can be said to be "infrastructure"Refer to the following:
Singly linked list data structure on data sort http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/392201633
CodePudding user response:
The most obvious is that Judge ()If (the head - & gt; X==0 | | head - & gt; X==50 | | head - & gt; Y==0 | | head - & gt; Y==25)
Freesnake ();
return 0;
//return 0;
//while (p)
Rueturn 0 is why deleted, while (p), infinite loop with movebody ()
While (p - & gt; Next)
P=p - & gt; Next;
Have risk death cycle, debug it slowly wish you well