First post to the ol' Stackover flow even though you guys have been helping me for a long time via google results. To which I thank you all!
Also my first dive into MS Access ever with minimal experience before hand.
My situation is as thus : We have a company that we buy time clocks from and they log the clock ins and the time worked. We can then go into our account and pull a report with three majorly important bits of information. Employee Name, their clock in location, and the total time a shift was.
I am trying to make it so that I can import this data to Access and have it output a report that I can pass on to the accounting team. I am so close to victory I feel like I can taste it. The problem is I have no clue how to make this blasted software do a running sum (or something like it) with the conditions I have! Let me provide an example:
'we use two calculated fields
'HoursWorked is just formatting SHIFT_TOTAL
HoursWorked: CDbl(Replace(Replace(Replace([Table2].[SHIFT_TOTAL],"AM",""),"PM",""),":",""))/10000
'Inside a query calculated functions don't exist so for the running sum we DSUM 'a repeat of the hours worked calculation . Watch out for ' ' around string variables
RUNNING_SUM: DSum('CDbl(Replace(Replace(Replace([Table2].[SHIFT_TOTAL],"AM",""),"PM",""),":",""))/10000',"Table2","ID <= " & [ID] & " AND EMP_NAME = '" & [EMP_NAME] & "' AND INLOCATION = '" & [INLOCATION] & "'")