What should I do to break line when the property message is rendered inside a <p>
in a different component? I can not get my head around this one... I tried with <br>
or with \n
but it keeps be rendered in one line...
const modalOn = (date, clinic) => {
title: "Do you want to remove the following shift?",
message: "DATE: " date " CLINIC: " clinic,
CodePudding user response:
You can try to insert \n
in your message and then when you have to render it you put something like
{message.split("\n").map((item, index) => {
return index === 0 ? item : [<br key={index} />, item];
I don't know if it's the right way to do such a thing but it worked for me
CodePudding user response:
you need to use pre tag :
const ReportMap = () => {
const t= {
title:`Do you want to remove the following shift?`,
message: "DATE: " "date" " CLINIC: " "clinic",
return (
export default ReportMap;
or give white-space to p tag :
const ReportMap = () => {
const t= {
title:`Do you want to remove the following shift?`,
message: "DATE: " "date" " CLINIC: " "clinic",
return (
<p style={{whiteSpace: "pre"}}>{`${t.title}\n${t.message}`}</p>
export default ReportMap;
they worked for me very well.
CodePudding user response:
Thank you guys... I think I did not make a very clear question ... I wanted to break after the question mark, then after the date.... I found a solution which seems to work well.
const modalOn = (date, clinic) => {
title: "Do you want to remove the following shift?",
message: ["DATE: ", fullDate,
," CLINIC: ", clinic]