Here is Matlab code, as published in the MathWorks community section.
[x,y,z] = ellipsoid(0,-0.5,0,6,3.25,3.25);
[U, c] = MgnCalibration(A)
function [U,c] = MgnCalibration(X)
% performs magnetometer calibration from a set of data
% using Merayo technique with a non iterative algoritm
% J.Merayo et al. "Scalar calibration of vector magnemoters"
% Meas. Sci. Technol. 11 (2000) 120-132.
% X : a Nx3 (or 3xN) data matrix
% each row (columns) contains x, y, z measurements
% N must be such that the data set describes
% as completely as possible the 3D space
% In any case N > 10
% The calibration tries to find the best 3D ellipsoid that fits the data set
% and returns the parameters of this ellipsoid
% U : shape ellipsoid parameter, (3x3) upper triangular matrix
% c : ellipsoid center, (3x1) vector
% Ellipsoid equation : (v-c)'*(U'*U)(v-c) = 1
% with v a rough triaxes magnetometer measurement
% calibrated measurement w = U*(v-c)
% author : Alain Barraud, Suzanne Lesecq 2008
[N,m] = size(X);
if m>3&&N==3,X = X';N = m;m = 3;end;%check that X is not transposed
if N<=10,U = [];c = [];return;end;%not enough data no calibration !!
% write the ellipsoid equation as D*p=0
% the best parameter is the solution of min||D*p|| with ||p||=1;
% form D matrix from X measurements
x = X(:,1); y = X(:,2); z = X(:,3);
D = [x.^2, y.^2, z.^2, x.*y, x.*z, y.*z, x, y, z, ones(N,1)];
D=triu(qr(D));%avoids to compute the svd of a large matrix
[U,S,V] = svd(D);