Home > Back-end >  Provided region_name '"$region"' doesn't match a supported format
Provided region_name '"$region"' doesn't match a supported format


I am trying to deploy ECS using Terraform and it's throwing the above error while I do terraform apply. Please help me out.

Here is the code chunk from main.tf file

resource "null_resource" "push" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOF
aws ecr get-login-password --region "$region" | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "$ecr_fqdn"
docker tag "servian/techchallengeapp:latest" "$repository"
docker push "$repository:latest"
docker logout "$ecr_fqdn"

    environment = {
      ecr_fqdn = regex("^([^/]*)/", aws_ecr_repository.ecs.repository_url).0
      region = var.region
      repository = aws_ecr_repository.ecs.repository_url
  depends_on = [aws_ecr_repository.ecs]

The code chunk from the variable.tf file

variable "region" {
     description = "Region to deploy app"
     default = "ap-southeast-2"

Please find the error in the attached image

terraform error

CodePudding user response:

A ${ ... } sequence is an interpolation in Terraform's configuration language, which evaluates the expression given between the markers. Unix shells typically use $..

As per the official documentation, the command is evaluated in a shell, and can use environment variables or Terraform variables. So, basically, what you are trying to achieve should work fundamentally.

Now, let's look at the error:

Provided region_name '"$region"' doesn't match a supported format."

Please remove double quotes from the environment variables and try again.

If it fails, then please set TF_LOG to log level TRACE and try again. Also, please paste the error directly instead of a screenshot.

Good luck!

CodePudding user response:

Try first to add an echo $region, to understand what value region was assigned in your environment section.

As seen in this discussion, the command itself might need to use '$region' instead of "$region", in order to avoid a variable expansion too soon (ie when defining command, as opposed to when executing it)

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