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Vc drawing clear text does not display problem, realize the text fade


Learning drawing text, the realization of the text fade effect, want to use alphablend function to realize the fade, but encountered a problem, the following two types of call, one of the method is feasible, a method is not feasible,
HBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC ( HDC ).
HBitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap ( HDC , w, h);
SelectObject (hBitmapDC hBitmap);
SetTextColor (hBitmapDC, RGB (0, 255));
SetBkColor (hBitmapDC, RGB (0, 0 xaa, 0));

TextOut (hBitmapDC, 20, 50, szText strlenT (szText));
Bf. BlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER;
Bf. BlendFlags=0;
Bf. SourceConstantAlpha=120;
Bf. AlphaFormat=AC_SRC_ALPHA;
AlphaBlend function (HDC, 0100, w, h, hBitmapDC, 0, 0, w, h, bf);

DeleteObject (hBitmap);
DeleteDC (hBitmapDC);
Effect as shown in figure:

The second way:
HBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC (HDC);
HBitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap ( hBitmapDC , w, h);//not do

//hBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
//hBitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap ( hBitmapDC , w, h);//not do

SelectObject (hBitmapDC hBitmap);
SetTextColor (hBitmapDC, RGB (0, 255));
SetBkMode (hBitmapDC, OPAQUE);
SetBkColor (hBitmapDC, RGB (0, 0 xaa, 0));

TextOut (hBitmapDC, 20, 50, szText strlenT (szText));
Bf. BlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER;
Bf. BlendFlags=0;
Bf. SourceConstantAlpha=120;
Bf. AlphaFormat=AC_SRC_ALPHA;
AlphaBlend function (HDC, 0100, w, h, hBitmapDC, 0, 0, w, h, bf);

DeleteObject (hBitmap);
DeleteDC (hBitmapDC);
Effect as shown in figure:

This is why, CreateCompatibleBitmap compatibleDC cannot be used?

Please directly

CodePudding user response:

Finally found a feasible way to

Memset (& amp; Bih, 0, sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER));
Bih. BiSize=sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);
Bih. BiHeight=h;
Bih. BiWidth=w;
Bih. BiPlanes=1;
Bih. BiBitCount=32;
Bih. BiCompression=BI_RGB;
BYTE * m_pBits=NULL;

HBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);//feasible
//hBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC (HDC);//feasible
HBitmap=: : CreateDIBSection (hBitmapDC, (BITMAPINFO *) & amp; Bih,
DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void * *) (& amp; M_pBits), NULL, 0);

//hBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC (HDC);
//hBitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap (hBitmapDC, w, h);//not do

//hBitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
//hBitmap=CreateCompatibleBitmap (hBitmapDC, w, h);//not do

SelectObject (hBitmapDC hBitmap);
SetTextColor (hBitmapDC, RGB (0, 255));
SetBkMode (hBitmapDC, OPAQUE);
SetBkColor (hBitmapDC, RGB (0, 0 xaa, 0));

TextOut (hBitmapDC, 20, 50, szText strlenT (szText));

Bf. BlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER;
Bf. BlendFlags=0;
Bf. SourceConstantAlpha=20;
Bf. AlphaFormat=AC_SRC_ALPHA;
AlphaBlend function (HDC, 0100, w, h, hBitmapDC, 0, 0, w, h, bf);

DeleteObject (hBitmap);
DeleteDC (hBitmapDC);
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