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C implementation of Http Post request code how to run out of the results


Like this page is the first to say I am a Chinese this sentence syntactic analysis, and then the HTTP post request to implement in c + +, there are many places have similar code, can be said to be exactly the same code, but did not run,
As follows:




//the header file


using namespace std;

//function declaration

Int request (char * hostname, char * API, char * parameters).

//method calls

Int _tmain (int arg c, TCHAR * argv [], TCHAR * envp [])
Int nRetCode=0;

//initialize the MFC and the print and the error on failure
if (! AfxWinInit (: : GetModuleHandle (NULL), NULL, : : GetCommandLine (), 0))
//TODO: change the error code to suit your needs
_tprintf (_T (" Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed \ n "));
return 1;

Request (" reg.163.com ", "http://reg.163.com/CheckUser.jsp", "test");

Return nRetCode;

//function to achieve
Int request (char * hostname, char * API, char * parameters)
WSAStartup (0 x0101, & amp; WsaData);

//initialize the socket
Struct hostent * host_addr=gethostbyname (hostname);
If (host_addr==NULL)
Cout<& lt;" Unable to locate the host "& lt; The return - 103;

Sockaddr_in sin;
Sin. Sin_family=AF_INET;
Sin. The sin_port=htons (80) (unsigned short);
Sin. The sin_addr. S_addr=* ((int *) * host_addr - & gt; H_addr_list);

Int the sock=socket (AF_INET SOCK_STREAM, 0).
If (the sock==1)
The return - 100;

If (connect (the sock, (const struct sockaddr *) & amp; Sin, sizeof (sockaddr_in))==1)
Cout<& lt;" Connect failed "& lt; The return - 101;

//initialization sending information
Char send_str [2048]={0};

Strcat (send_str, "POST");
Strcat (send_str, API);
Strcat (send_str, "HTTP/1.1 \ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, "Host:");
Strcat (send_str, hostname);
Strcat (send_str, "\ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, "Connection: keep - the alive \ r \ n");

Char content_header [100].
Sprintf (content_header, "the Content - Length: % d \ r \ n", strlen (parameters));

Strcat (send_str, content_header);
Strcat (send_str, "cache-control: Max - age=0 \ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, "Origin: http://www.hao123.com\r\n");
Strcat (send_str, "the user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.849.0 Safari/535.1 \ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, "content-type: application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded \ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, "Accept: text/HTML and application/XHTML + XML, application/XML. Q=0.9 */*; Q=0.8 \ r \ n ");
Strcat (send_str, "Referer: http://www.hao123.com/\r\n");
Strcat (send_str, "Accept - Encoding: gzip, deflate, SDCH \ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, "Accept - Language: useful - CN, useful; Q=0.8 \ r \ n ");

//content information
Strcat (send_str, "\ r \ n");
Strcat (send_str, parameters);

If (send (the sock, send_str, strlen (send_str), 0)==1)
Cout<& lt;" Send failed "& lt; The return - 101;

//return information
Char recv_str [4096]={0};
If (recv (sock, recv_str, sizeof (recv_str), 0)==1)
Cout<& lt;" Recv failed "& lt; The return - 101;


WSACleanup ();

return 0;

This code is very strange, why there is a www.hao123.com???

Ask god to analyze, thank you!!

CodePudding user response:

HTTP header inside some things is not required, just like what Referer removed, there will not be affected

CodePudding user response:

This is the result of I use win32 run out:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:43:13 GMT
The content-type: text/HTML. Charset=utf-8
Transfer - Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep alive -
Than: Accept - Encoding
Cache-control: no - Cache
The Set - cookies: SID=dbc45a17 b72c2a6f65a b7-5-6882-4450-88. Domain=reg.163.com; Path=/

The Set - cookies: JSESSIONID=adbSGcF80xKlj5_EHEfCu; Path=/
Expires, Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:43:12 GMT
Than: the user-agent
Than: Accept
The Content - Encoding: gzip


And the correct operation of the API page it says the result is:

$curl -i "http://api.ltp-cloud.com/analysis/? Api_key=YourApiKey& Text=I am Chinese, & amp; The pattern=dp& Format=plain "
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.1.19
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 04:24:32 GMT
The content-type: text/plain
Transfer - Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep alive -
Than: Accept - Encoding

I'm _0 _1 (SBV
HED is _1-1
China _2 _3 ATT
Man is _3 _1 VOB

Pray god to analyse the I in the running for the code! Grateful to

CodePudding user response:

Check your argument is correct, such as api_keynullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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