This question kinda builds on questions I asked
When I do traceback() I get this:
When I step through the loop line by line I realized that in this chunk of code:
call2<-paste(base,endpoint, protocol, sep="")
httpResponse <- GET(call2, add_headers(authorization = token))
results = fromJSON(content(httpResponse, "text"))
results$protocolId<- "8887" ## doesn't seem to matter
results$protocolNo<- testprotocols$protocol_no
results$library<- as.character(testprotocols$library)
results$title<- testprotocols$title
results$objectives<-"To see if the API works, specifically if you can write over a previous number"
results$shortTitle<- "Short joseph Title"
results$department <- as.character(testprotocols$department)
results$organizationalUnit<- as.charater(testprotocols$organizational_unit)
results$protocolType<- as.character(testprotocols$protocol_type)
Where I had envisioned it downloading ONE sample study and replacing aspects of it with variables from ONE row of my beginning dataframe, its actually trying to paste everything in the column in there. I.e. results$nctNo is "654321 543210" instead of just "654321" from the first row.
TL;DR version:
I need my purrr loop to take one row at a time instead of my entire column, and I think if I do that, it'll all magically work.
CodePudding user response:
Within UpdateAccountNumbers()
, you are referring to entire columns of the testprotocols
frame when you do things like results$nctNo<-testprotocols$nct_number
Instead, perhaps at the top of the UpdateAccountNumbers()
function, you can do something like tp = testprotocols[testprotocols$protocol_no == protocol,]
, and then when you are trying to assign values to results you can refer to tp
instead of testprotocols
Note that your purrr::walk()
command is passing just one value of protocol
at a time to the UpdateAccountNumbers()