# include & lt; The malloc. H>
# include & lt; Stdlib. H>
# include & lt; Stdbool. H>
Typedef struct node
int data;
Struct node * pNext;
} Node, * pNode;
PNode creat_list ();
Void travese_list ();
Bool utilities like is_empty that (pNode);
Int length_empty (pNode);
Void sort_list (pNode, int);
Bool insert_list (pNode);
Bool delete_list (pNode);
Bool inversion_list (pNode);
Int main ()
PNode head=NULL;
Int len.
The head=creat_list ();//create a acyclic singly linked list
Travese_list (head);//traverse the singly linked list
If (utilities like is_empty that (the head))
Printf (" list is empty! \n");
The else
Printf (" the list is not empty! \n");
Len=length_empty (head);//calculate the length of the list
Sort_list (head, len); Order of the elements in the list//
Travese_list (head);//output sorted list
Insert_list (head);//insert an element
Travese_list (head);//output after inserting new list
Delete_list (head);//delete some data in the list
Travese_list (head);//output to delete the new list
Inversion_list (head);
Travese_list (head);
return 0;
//create a linked list node (take the lead of tail interpolation)
PNode creat_list ()
Int len.//the node number
int i;//loop variable
Int val.//is used to store data domain data
PNode head=(pNode) malloc (sizeof (Node));
PNode Tail=head;//define a nodes to head tail
Tail - & gt; PNext=NULL;//end node pointer field empty
If (head==NULL)
Printf (" chain table creation failed!" );
The exit (1);
The else
Printf (" do you want to create a few node?" );
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Len);
for (i=0; i
Printf (" please enter the first % d node values: ", I + 1);
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Val);
PNode pNew=(pNode) malloc (sizeof (Node));//create a new temporary node
PNew - & gt; Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/val;//to the new node data fields assignment
Tail - & gt; PNext=pNew;//to the back of the nodes to hang in the previous letter
PNew - & gt; PNext=NULL;//the new node data fields empty
Tail=pNew;//end node point to the new node
return head;//return the head pointer
//traversing the list
Void travese_list (pNode head)
PNode p=head - & gt; PNext;//head node is assigned to a pointer to the domain p
While (p!//=NULL) to determine whether a pointer field is empty
Printf (" % d ", p - & gt; data);//output data in the domain
P=p - & gt; PNext;//pointer to move back a place
Printf (" \ n ");
//whether the list is empty
Bool utilities like is_empty that (pNode head)
If (the head - & gt; PNext==NULL)
return true;
The else
return false;
//calculate the length of the list
Int length_empty (pNode head)
Int CNT=0;
PNode p=head - & gt; PNext;//p points to the first node
While (p!=NULL)//p points to judge whether the empty
P=p - & gt; PNext;
Printf (" the length of the list is: % d \ n ", CNT);
Return CNT.
//to sort of element on the list
Void sort_list (pNode head, int len)
PNode p, q;
PNode temp.//int k
Int I, j, t;
Printf (" list ordering is as follows: \ n ");
For (I=0, p=head - & gt; PNext; i
Temp=p;//will subscript preserved, equivalent k=I;
For (j=I + 1, q=p - & gt; PNext; j
Temp=q;//equivalent to k=j
If (temp!=p)//equivalent to k!=I;
T=temp - & gt; The data;//equivalent to t=a [k]
Temp - & gt; Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/p-> data;//equivalent to a [k]=[I] a
P - & gt; Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/t;//equivalent to a [I]=t
//insert a data in the linked list
Bool insert_list (pNode head)
Int I=0, pos, val.
PNode p=head, q;
Printf (" do you want to insert data in which a position: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Pos);
Printf (" do you want to insert number is: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Val);
While (p!=NULL & amp; & i
P=p - & gt; PNext;
If (i> Pos - 1 | | p==NULL)//determine whether to insert the location of the data more than the length of the chain table + 1
return false;
PNode pNew=(pNode) malloc (sizeof (Node));//create a new node
If (pNew==NULL)
Printf (" node creation failed!" );
The exit (1);
PNew - & gt; Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/val;//will be inserted data is a new node data fields
Q=p - & gt; PNext;//will be inserted inside a node to save data domain to q
P - & gt; PNext=pNew;//p point to the new node
PNew - & gt; PNext=q;//point p at the back of the new node q
return true;
//delete some data in the list
Bool delete_list (pNode head)
Int I=0, pos.
PNode p=head, q;
Printf (" which position you want to delete the data: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Pos);
While (p - & gt; PNext!=NULL & amp; & i
P=p - & gt; PNext;
If (i> Pos - 1 | | p - & gt; PNext==NULL)//determine whether to delete the location of the data more than the length of the chain table + 1
Printf (" delete failed!" );
return false;
Q=p - & gt; PNext;//will delete nodes stored
P - & gt; PNext=q - & gt; PNext;//points to a node after
Free (q);//release to remove node memory
return true;
//flip list
Bool inversion_list (pNode head)
PNode TMP=NULL;//define a temporary node
PNode p=NULL;//define p for head node
Printf (" the turn of the list is: \ n ");
If (head==NULL)//whether the list is empty
return false;
TMP=head - & gt; PNext; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull