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Tail interpolation output without a, how to change




# define OK 1

# define the ERROR 0

Typedef int ElemType;

Typedef int the Status;

Typedef struct LNode {

ElemType data;

Struct LNode * next;

} LNode * LinkList;

Void CreatList (LinkList & amp; Int L, n)//create a list head interpolation

{LinkList p; int i;//LinkList p or LNode * p

L=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));

//L - & gt; Next==NULL;

L - & gt; Next=NULL;

For (I=n; I> 0; I -) {

P=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; (p - & gt; Data));

P - & gt; Next=L - & gt; Next;

L - & gt; Next=p;


Void CreatListTail (LinkList & amp; Int L, n)//create list tail interpolation

{LNode * s; int i;//LinkList p or LNode * p
LinkList r;
L=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));

//L - & gt; Next==NULL;

L - & gt; Next=NULL;


for(i=1; i
S=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; (s - & gt; Data));

S - & gt; Next=NULL;

R - & gt; Next=s;



//Listprint (LinkList & amp; L)//chain table shows

The Status Listprint (LinkList & amp; L)//chain table shows


//LNode * p;


LNode * p=L - & gt; Next;

While (p!=NULL) {

Printf (" % 3 d ", p - & gt; The data);

P=p - & gt; Next;


return OK;


Int main ()

{int x, n, I, e, ret.

LinkList H, T;

Printf (" input the length of a singly linked list \ n ");

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; X);

CreatList (H, x);

Listprint (H);

Printf (" input the length of a singly linked list \ n ");

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; N);

CreatListTail (T, n);
Listprint (T);

CodePudding user response:


For ( I=1; i i++) {

S=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));

Here I=0; i
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