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How to convert list into row using pandas if the name and there value is stored in one list


0                                                  NaN
1    [['Urea', 3.0, '3', ''], ['Creatinine', 3.0, '...
2    [['Total Protein', '', '6', ''], ['Albumin', '...
3    [['HGB', '', '18', ''], ['RBC', '', '1', ''], ...
4    [['Total Protein', '', '23', ''], ['Albumin', ...
..                                                 ...
102            [['Rapid Malaria', '', 'NEGATIVE', '']]
103  [['Rapid Malaria', '', 'POSITIVE (P.VIVAX)', '']]
104            [['Rapid Malaria', '', 'NEGATIVE', '']]
105  [['Rapid Malaria', '', 'POSITIVE (P.VIVAX)', '']]
106            [['Rapid Malaria', '', 'NEGATIVE', '']]

this given data is stored in a data frame.
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

In data each name and value is stored list. How can we convert this data frame in row and columns wise like

Urea Creatinine Uric Acid Alkaline Phosphatase Test
3.0 , 3 3.0 , 3 3.0 , 3 4 Positive

CodePudding user response:

You can use:

out = (df
 .agg(lambda s: ','.join(x for x in s if x))


out = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({0: {k: ','.join(x for x in map(str, l) if x)
                                  for k, *l in data}}, orient='index')


    Urea Creatinine Uric Acid Alkaline Phosphatase      Test
0  3.0,3      3.0,3     3.0,3                    4  Positive
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