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Slightly confused with what function I should use with addEventListener in my Website


I was trying something with JavaScript where I could make a background of moving stars on a blank canvas on HTML.

The background moves the stars depending on whether the user moves his mouse or not. It did work as intended, however I later decided to change its functionality by adding a mousepad-like box created using a which would allow the background to move only when the mousepad is in focus. I tried doing this using addEventListener but it doesn't work. I think I might be calling the wrong function.

I tried doing the following at the start of my .js file :

const mousepad = document.querySelector('.mousepad');

mousepad.addEventListener('focus', render);

Any help will be appreciated!!


const STAR_COLOR = '#fff';
const STAR_SIZE = 3;
const STAR_MIN_SCALE = 0.2;
const STAR_COUNT = (window.innerWidth   window.innerHeight) / 20;

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'),
  context = canvas.getContext('2d');

let scale = 1, // device pixel ratio

let stars = [];

let pointerX,

let velocity = {
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  tx: 0,
  ty: 0,
  z: 0.0005

let touchInput = false;


window.onresize = resize;
canvas.onmousemove = onm ouseMove;
canvas.ontouchmove = onTouchMove;
canvas.ontouchend = onm ouseLeave;
document.onmouseleave = onm ouseLeave;

function generate() {

  for (let i = 0; i < STAR_COUNT; i  ) {
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      z: STAR_MIN_SCALE   Math.random() * (1 - STAR_MIN_SCALE)

function placeStar(star) {
  star.x = Math.random() * width;
  star.y = Math.random() * height;

function recycleStar(star) {
  let direction = 'z';

  let vx = Math.abs(velocity.x),
    vy = Math.abs(velocity.y);

  if (vx > 1 || vy > 1) {
    let axis;

    if (vx > vy) {
      axis = Math.random() < vx / (vx   vy) ? 'h' : 'v';
    } else {
      axis = Math.random() < vy / (vx   vy) ? 'v' : 'h';

    if (axis === 'h') {
      direction = velocity.x > 0 ? 'l' : 'r';
    } else {
      direction = velocity.y > 0 ? 't' : 'b';

  star.z = STAR_MIN_SCALE   Math.random() * (1 - STAR_MIN_SCALE);

  if (direction === 'z') {
    star.z = 0.1;
    star.x = Math.random() * width;
    star.y = Math.random() * height;
  } else if (direction === 'l') {
    star.y = height * Math.random();
  } else if (direction === 'r') {
    star.x = width   OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD;
    star.y = height * Math.random();
  } else if (direction === 't') {
    star.x = width * Math.random();
  } else if (direction === 'b') {
    star.x = width * Math.random();
    star.y = height   OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD;

function resize() {
  scale = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

  width = window.innerWidth * scale;
  height = window.innerHeight * scale;

  canvas.width = width;
  canvas.height = height;


function step() {
  context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);



function update() {
  velocity.tx *= 0.96;
  velocity.ty *= 0.96;

  velocity.x  = (velocity.tx - velocity.x) * 0.8;
  velocity.y  = (velocity.ty - velocity.y) * 0.8;

  stars.forEach((star) => {

    star.x  = velocity.x * star.z;
    star.y  = velocity.y * star.z;

    star.x  = (star.x - width / 2) * velocity.z * star.z;
    star.y  = (star.y - height / 2) * velocity.z * star.z;
    star.z  = velocity.z;

    // recycle when out of bounds
    if (star.x < -OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD || star.x > width   OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD || star.y < -OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD || star.y > height   OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD) {

function render() {
  stars.forEach((star) => {

    context.lineCap = 'round';
    context.lineWidth = STAR_SIZE * star.z * scale;
    context.globalAlpha = 0.5   0.5 * Math.random();
    context.strokeStyle = STAR_COLOR;

    context.moveTo(star.x, star.y);

    var tailX = velocity.x * 2,
      tailY = velocity.y * 2;

    // stroke() wont work on an invisible line
    if (Math.abs(tailX) < 0.1) tailX = 0.5;
    if (Math.abs(tailY) < 0.1) tailY = 0.5;

    context.lineTo(star.x   tailX, star.y   tailY);


function movePointer(x, y) {
  if (typeof pointerX === 'number' && typeof pointerY === 'number') {

    let ox = x - pointerX,
      oy = y - pointerY;

    velocity.tx = velocity.tx   (ox / 8 * scale) * (touchInput ? 1 : -1);
    velocity.ty = velocity.ty   (oy / 8 * scale) * (touchInput ? 1 : -1);


  pointerX = x;
  pointerY = y;

function onm ouseMove(event) {
  touchInput = false;
  movePointer(event.clientX, event.clientY);

function onTouchMove(event) {
  touchInput = true;
  movePointer(event.touches[0].clientX, event.touches[0].clientY, true);

function onm ouseLeave() {
  pointerX = null;
  pointerY = null;
body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  background-color: #000;
  background-image: radial-gradient(circle at top right, rgba(84, 187, 115, 0.13), transparent), radial-gradient(circle at 20% 80%, rgba(41, 196, 255, 0.13), transparent)

canvas {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.mousepad {
  width: 700px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: rgba(41, 196, 255, 0.13);
  border-radius: 10px;
  margin: auto;

/* Hide Scrollbar for aesthetic looks*/

 ::-webkit-scrollbar {
  overflow: auto;
  display: none;

<div ></div>

CodePudding user response:

I think you are searching this mousemove event listener. You can see a example below:

  let element = document.getElementById("background");
  element.innerHTML = parseInt(element.innerHTML)   1
#background {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  color: white;
  background-color: black;
  font-size: 40px;
<div id="background">1</div>

CodePudding user response:

If I understand your question, You only have an issue with the focus event on a div element. In order to receive a focus on a div you need to specify a tabindexfor this div.

Like this : <div tabindex="0"></div>. Keep in mind that focusin bubbles, while focus does not.

        function onl oadHandler(e){
            const mousepad = document.querySelector('.mousepad');
            mousepad.addEventListener('focus', startRender);
            mousepad.addEventListener('blur', stopRender);
        function startRender(e){
            e.target.innerHTML="focus in";
        function stopRender(e){
            e.target.innerHTML="focus out";
            width: 700px;
            height: 100px;
            background-color: rgba(41, 196, 255, 0.13);
            border-radius: 10px;
            margin: auto;
    <div  tabindex="0">
        Click in and out the div to focus in our out

I hope this can help.

Have a nice day.


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