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Using same component for new and existing form records without ngChanges


I have 2 components, a parent and a child component. Between them they can serve urls for new and existing records. ie applications/add AND applications/:guid

I currently have this for my parent component:


    [existingData]="(existingFormData$ | async)!"


existingFormData$: Observable<UniversityApplicationsDetail> = this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(
    map(params => params['id']),
    filter(id => !!id),
    switchMap((id: string) => this.httpService.getUniversityApplicationsDetail(id))

And the following for my child component:


@Input() existingData!: UniversityApplicationsDetail; //Using ! here is the "non-null assertion operator"

ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges){
    if ((this.existingData !== null)){
      this.title.setTitle("Update University Application");

And this works all fine. But I want to avoid using ngOnChanges and do everything from ngOnit in the child component.

If I change the parent component to:


    *ngIf="(existingFormData$ | async)! as detail"

And the child component to:


ngOnInit(): void {
    this.title.setTitle("New University Application");

    if ((this.existingData !== null)){
      this.title.setTitle("Update University Application");

Then the form displays when on existing record mode but not on new record mode. How can I fix this?

CodePudding user response:

Solution 1

You could create a second observable isNewRecord$ that resolves to true whenever id is null. And if isNewRecord$ resolves to true you trigger the rendering of app-university-applications-form without passing a value to the input-property [existingData].

The Parent TS:

id$ = this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(
    map(params => params['id'])

// Will emit a value whenever an id is provided:
existingFormData$ = this.id$.pipe(
    filter(id => !!id),
    switchMap((id: string) => this.httpService.getUniversityApplicationsDetail(id))

// Will be true whenever *no* id is provided:
isNewRecord$ = this.id$.pipe(
    filter(id => !id),
    map(() => true)

The Parent HTML:

    *ngIf="(existingFormData$ | async)! as detail"

    *ngIf="isNewRecord$  | async">

Solution 2

If you want just one app-university-applications-form in your html, you could do the following:

  • In case there is an ID, pass the object that is returned from the backend
  • In case there is no ID, you also pass an object of the same type, but let's say with the property id: undefined. Therefore you will know in your child-component, if id === undefined, it must be a new record.

The corresponding Parent TS might look as follows:

existingFormData$ = this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(
    map(params => params['id']),
    switchMap((id: string) => !!id ?
      this.httpService.getUniversityApplicationsDetail(id) : of({ id: undefined }))

Parent HTML:

    *ngIf="(existingFormData$ | async)! as detail"

Child TS:

ngOnInit(): void {
    this.title.setTitle("New University Application");
    // Check if a particular property is set, to determine whether its a new record:
    if (this.existingData.id) {
      this.title.setTitle("Update University Application");
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