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Python socket returning different IP address for the same host name in local and server


I am trying to get the IP address from the domain name, the problem is it gives a different IP address when the code is running locally and on the server.

Here is my code and the result when running on local

import socket
ip = socket.gethostbyname(domain_str.strip())
output > ''

Here is the result of the same code running on the server

output > ''

I would really appreciate it if anyone could let me know why this is happening.

CodePudding user response:

The server you are trying to reach is behind the Akamai CDN. Depending on where you connect from this CDN might give you a different IP address for optimal connectivity.

For example I get from one location:

$ dig use.typekit.net
use.typekit.net.        121     IN      CNAME   use-stls.adobe.com.edgesuite.net.
use-stls.adobe.com.edgesuite.net. 5853 IN CNAME a1988.dscg1.akamai.net.
a1988.dscg1.akamai.net. 133     IN      A
a1988.dscg1.akamai.net. 133     IN      A

while from another location

use.typekit.net.        28      IN      CNAME   use-stls.adobe.com.edgesuite.net.
use-stls.adobe.com.edgesuite.net. 21568 IN CNAME a1988.dscg1.akamai.net.
a1988.dscg1.akamai.net. 5       IN      A
a1988.dscg1.akamai.net. 5       IN      A

If you do a GeoIP lookup of these addresses you will see one of your addresses located in India while the other one in Sweden.

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