Home > Back-end >  Items.Add cannot be used because it is not the "DataSource" C# WindowsForm
Items.Add cannot be used because it is not the "DataSource" C# WindowsForm


I am trying to add an item to aircraftList ListBox and be able to click on it and on a detailsList TextBox display all information per item selected. However, I am using BindingList<AircraftDetails> Details = new BindingList<AircraftDetails>(); and AircraftClass which contains the following method:

public override string ToString()
        List<string> builder = new List<string>();
        builder.add("something here like a variable");

which wil return all details to the detailsList textBox.

Now, the issue is that when I tried to do something like aircraftList.Items.Add("Test") it will show a error message showing this enter image description here

I am at a loss for what to do, however I will provide the repository of my code that is hosted on gitHub so that you can better comprehend it. REPOSITORY

CodePudding user response:

The error message tells you exactly what the issue is. You cannot modify the Items collection when you have set the DataSource property. The whole point of binding a list to the control is that the control displays what's in that list. If you want to add a new item, you have to add it to the list you bound to the control.

CodePudding user response:

Thank you for posting your repository in support of your question. That made it easy to reproduce the issue. I made a minor change to your addaircraftButton_Click that "should" do the trick.

public void addaircraftButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //FlightSetup is a form which will fill out the Main's Form Variables
    //Trying to add "planeModel" to aircraftList and display details once it is selected from the list
    FlightSetup addplane = new FlightSetup();
    AircraftDetails aircraftDetails = new AircraftDetails();
    using (addplane)
        DialogResult result = addplane.ShowDialog();

        planeModel = addplane.planeModel_textbox.Text;
        airline = addplane.airline_textbox.Text;
        fuelG = double.Parse(addplane.fuel_textbox.Text); //TESTING (Look at BuildLogs.txt for complete code before this one)
        bag1 = int.Parse(addplane.carryonTextBox.Text);
        bag2 = int.Parse(addplane.checkedBagsTextBox.Text);

        object o = new AircraftDetails
            AircraftModel = planeModel,
            Airline = airline,
            Fuel = fuelG, //TESTING
            OnBoardBags = bag1,
            CheckedBags = bag2,
        detailsList.Text = o.ToString();

    //aircraftList.Items.Add(planeModel); // not working right here <--

    // Do this instead!

Obviously, you were very close to having the right code yourself. The thing to remember is that once you bind to a DataSource, you should be able to work directly with that data (in this case Details.Add(aircraftDetails)) and should no longer attempt to manipulate the UI control directly.

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