I want to compare the price of coconut on two websites. there are two stores (websites) called laughs and glomark.
Now,I have two files main.py
and comparison.py
. I think the problem is in the Laughs price scrapping part. This cord is running without error. I will put my output and expected output bellow after the code.
from compare_prices import compare_prices
laughs_coconut = 'https://scrape-sm1.github.io/site1/COCONUT market1super.html'
glomark_coconut = 'https://glomark.lk/coconut/p/11624'
import requests
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#Imitate the Mozilla browser.
user_agent = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
def compare_prices(laughs_coconut,glomark_coconut):
# Aquire the web pages which contain product Price
laughs_coconut = requests.get(laughs_coconut)
glomark_coconut = requests.get(glomark_coconut)
# LaughsSuper supermarket website provides the price in a span text.
soup_laughs = BeautifulSoup(laughs_coconut.text, 'html.parser')
price_laughs = soup_laughs.find('span',{'class': 'price'}).text
# Glomark supermarket website provides the data in jason format in an inline script.
soup_glomark = BeautifulSoup(glomark_coconut.text, 'html.parser')
script_glomark = soup_glomark.find('script', {'type': 'application/ld json'}).text
data_glomark = json.loads(script_glomark)
price_glomark = data_glomark['offers'][0]['price']
#TODO: Parse the values as floats, and print them.
price_laughs = price_laughs.replace("Rs.","")
price_laughs = float(price_laughs)
price_glomark = float(price_glomark)
print('Laughs COCONUT - Item#mr-2058 Rs.: ', price_laughs)
print('Glomark Coconut Rs.: ', price_glomark)
# Compare the prices and print the result
if price_laughs > price_glomark:
print('Glomark is cheaper Rs.:', price_laughs - price_glomark)
elif price_laughs < price_glomark:
print('Laughs is cheaper Rs.:', price_glomark - price_laughs)
print('Price is the same')
My code is running without error and as an output, it shows.
Laughs COCONUT - Item#mr-2058 Rs.: 0.0
Glomark Coconut Rs.: 110.0
Laughs is cheaper Rs.: 110.0
but the expected output is:
Laughs COCONUT - Item#mr-2058 Rs.: 95.0
Glomark Coconut Rs.: 110.0
Laughs is cheaper Rs.: 15.0
note:- <span >Rs.95.00</span>
this is the element of Laughs coconut price
CodePudding user response:
Because there are two items with 'span',{'class': 'price'}
. Since find() method returns first value, in this case we will use findAll() method and return second one. So in your code if you change to this price_laughs = soup_laughs.findAll('span',{'class': 'price'})[1].text
problem will be solved.
CodePudding user response:
Try to change your strategy selecting the element - There is an id
to select elements container more specific. You could use css selectors
for example
price_laughs = soup.select_one('[id^="product-price"] .price').text
Concerning the other website you could also use its api to get the price:
requests.get('https://glomark.lk/product-page/variation-detail/11624', headers={'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'}).json()['price']