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React Class component covert to function component


Problem is static variable.

class component use static variable like this.

// component.js
<ProgressWindow messageSet={ProgressWindow.MESSAGE_FOR_REPORT} />
// ProgressWindow.js
class ProgressWindow extends React.Component {
  static  MESSAGE_FOR_REPORT = 'report';
  static MESSAGE_FOR_SETTING = 'setting';

My mission is that static variable's convert to function component.

I need get messageSet value in new function ProgressWindow component.

How can i?

CodePudding user response:

try this

const ProgressWindow = (props) => {
    return (

ProgressWindow.MESSAGE_FOR_REPORT = 'report';
ProgressWindow.MESSAGE_FOR_SETTING = 'setting';

export default ProgressWindow;

There is alternative static variable in Functional Component

ProgressWindow.MESSAGE_FOR_REPORT = 'report';
ProgressWindow.MESSAGE_FOR_SETTING = 'setting';
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