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For help! An algorithm, sleepy I half a day!


UVa 10474 Where is the Marble?
Simplified title mean input n integers, representing the marble number; To enter qq number (number), ask whether there is the number of marble, where is the location?
Here is my code:

using namespace std;

Sorted_seq int binary_search (int * and an int seq_length, int keydata)
Int low=0, mid, high=seq_length - 1;

While (low & lt;=high)
Mid=+ high (low)/2;
If (keydata & lt; Sorted_seq high/mid)=mid - 1;
Else if (keydata & gt; Sorted_seq low/mid)=mid + 1;
The else
For (int I=mid; ; I -)
If (sorted_seq [I]!=keydata) return (I + 2);
return -1;
Int main (int arg c, char * const argv [])
Int N, Q, keydata, CNT=0;
Int seq [10005]={0};
While ((the scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; N, & amp; Q)!=(EOF) & amp; & (N | | Q))
Printf (" CASE# % d: \ n ", + + CNT);
for(int i=0; i {
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Seq [I]);
Sort (seq, seq + N);
For (int j=0; j {
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Keydata);
Int result=binary_search (seq, N, keydata);
If (result==1) printf (" % d not found \ n ", keydata);
The else printf (" % d found at % d \ n ", keydata, result);
return 0;

Has been a wrong answer, very afflictive, don't understand why
Got a code on the net, I also run, accepted, but don't see the code and I have what distinction,
 # include & lt; Iostream> 

using namespace std;

Const int maxn=10005;

Int num={0} [maxn];

//binary search
Int found (int q, int a [], int N) {
Int high=N - 1, low=0;
While (low & lt;=high) {
Int mid=+ high (low)/2;
If (a/mid==q) {
//find forward to find the location of the first appeared again after
For (int I=mid; ; I -) {
If (a [I]! Q)={
Return the I + 2;
Else if (a/mid & gt; Q) {
High=mid - 1;
The else {
Low=mid + 1;
return -1;

Int main () {
Int N, Q;
Int C=1;
While (cin & gt;> N & gt;> Q & amp; & N) {
For (int I=0; i Cin & gt;> Num [I];
Sort (num, num + N);
Int q;
Cout & lt; <"CASE#" & lt; C + +;
For (int I=0; i Cin & gt;> q;
Int pos=found (q, num, N);
If (pos==1) {
Cout & lt; }
The else {
Cout & lt; }

What a great god to help me?

CodePudding user response:

1, mid=+ high (low)/2; In line 12, is likely to be an overflow
The correct code: mid=low + (high - low)/2;
2, line 17
For (int I=mid; ; I -)
If (sorted_seq [I]!=keydata) return (I + 2);
I could be less than 0

The correct code:
Int I=mid;
While (I - & gt;=0)//code
If (array [I]! Find)={return mid - (mid - I) + 1; }

Also enclose a copy of their written code

//binary search to find back to appear for the first time in the array, otherwise return 1
Array int found (int the find, int * and an int size)
Int low=0, high=size 1, mid;//on the current search interval and lower bound of the initial value
While (low & lt;=high) {
Mid=low + (high - low)/2;
Int cur=array (mids);
If (cur & gt; Find)//forward lookup
High=mid - 1;
Else if (cur & lt; Find)//look behind
Low=mid + 1;
The else//find
Int I=mid;
While (I - & gt;=0)//code
If (array [I]! Find)={return mid - (mid - I) + 1; }

return -1;

Int main ()
Const int array_size=100;
An int array [100]={0};
//get the user to input the number of digital
Int count;

For (;; ) {
Printf (" please enter the number (1 - % d) : the number of ", array_size);
If (the scanf (" % d ", & amp; The count) & amp; & The count & gt;=1 & amp; & The count & lt;=100) {break; }
The else {
Printf (" please input the correct number: \ n ");

//read the user input, save the array in the array
int i=0;//record the number of the current input digital
For (;; ) {
Printf (" please enter the Numbers: % d ", I + 1);
If (the scanf (" % d ", & amp; Array [I]) {i++; }
If (I & gt;={count)
Printf (" input complete!" );
Int the find;
Printf (" please enter a number to find: ");
For (;; ) {
If (the scanf (" % d ", & amp; Find)) {break; }
The else {
Printf (" you input is not number, please enter again ");

//sorted before you find
STD: : sort (array, the array + count);

Int ret=found (the find, array, count);
If (ret & lt; 0 {printf () "is not found!" ); }
The else {
Printf (" you find digital position in the first % d \ n ", ret + 1);

return 0;
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