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Add minutes from another column to string time column in pyspark


I have the below pyspark dataframe.both are string columns.

time     additional_time_in_mins
11:00:00 60
13:00:00 60
14:00:00 30

I have to add the minutes in the additional time column to actual time and create an output as below in pyspark.

Expected output:


Is there a way to do this in pyspark

CodePudding user response:

One simple option is converting time column to bigint in seconds using unix_timestamp function, add the minutes (minutes * 60s) and then cast the result back to timestamp.
Lastly, convert to hourly format.

df = df.withColumn('new_time', F.date_format((F.unix_timestamp('time', 'HH:mm:ss')   F.col('additional_time_in_mins')*60).cast('timestamp'), 'HH:mm:ss'))


 -------- ----------------------- -------- 
|    time|additional_time_in_mins|new_time|
 -------- ----------------------- -------- 
|11:00:00|                     60|12:00:00|
|13:00:00|                     60|14:00:00|
|14:00:00|                     30|14:30:00|
 -------- ----------------------- -------- 

CodePudding user response:

Other way to do this using UDF:

from pyspark.sql.functions import date_format, col
data = [
  ("11:00:00", "60"),
  ("13:00:00", "60"),
  ("14:00:00", "30"),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["time", "additional_time_in_mins"])

Original datframe output

UDF logic to sum time

from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
def sum_time(var_time, additional_time):
  # Converting var_time string to time
  var_time = datetime.strptime(var_time, '%H:%M:%S').time()
  #Using date to utitlise the time function
  combined_time = (datetime.combine(date.today(), var_time)   timedelta(minutes=additional_time)).time()
  return str(combined_time)

Using UDF to get the final output:

df = df.withColumn(
  "total_time", sum_time(col("time"), col("additional_time_in_mins").cast(IntegerType()))

Final output after applying udf

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