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Currency investment skill: cloth forest channel how to applied in actual combat?


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Before few articles have to popularize to the wave theory how to apply to the practice, there are a lot of friends and money have direct messages told youdao, use is very good, hope more than youdao to write some knowledge popularization, technology share articles, so good, how brin channel to share with you today in the practical application, have not understand friends look down carefully,


And the MACD, RSI, KDJ indicators such as, brin line indicator is also the most practical technical analysis reference index of the exchange market, its itself including trend index and shock index, brin line also called brin channel (BollingerBand), in the 1880 s by JohnBollinger according to the principle of statistical standard deviation of the designed, which can be used to determine the trend, it has a channel function, convenient use, can give investors is very clear and very reliable signal, avoids the slow rise, after buying for investors to reduce a lot of losses, therefore sought after by investors, is also a kind of very simple and practical technical analysis indicators,

The use of the index is a statistical "standard deviation" concept, by an average (MID) and standard deviation calculated on rail (UPER) and the rail line (LOWER), these three lines are in line, price pressure line and price support line, so Mr Brin line is also called the support pressure indexes, in general, the price line within the band composed of fluctuation track, and along with the change of price and automatically adjust the location of the orbit, exchange rate fluctuation amplitude increase, will get wide band; Exchange sideways, volatility is unchanged or narrowed, when the price breakthrough pressure line (or support line), said to sell (or buy) timing, brin line index is one of the biggest and all other indicators are all the same is the "lag",

One, within the normal range, brin line indicator analysis

1. Price from bottom to top through the support line will form a rebound, can be regarded as buy signal,

2. Price from bottom to top through the line, it could accelerate the upside, is out to buy signal,

3. Prices fluctuate between the median line and the pressure line running for a bull market, can hold more or overweight,

4. Price for a long time in the middle line between the support line and after the operation, the break down on the middle line is a sell signal,

5. The price fluctuates between median line and the pressure line down runtime as the bear market, can hold empty or add,

6. Cloth belts very narrow bandwidth, signal is an option to choose breakthrough direction, be careful when using this method, because the prices tend to produce false breakthrough, investors want to break through the direction is clear, such as cloth forest again when the bandwidth of the amplifier in

The meaning of two, reducing brin line

1, foreign exchange market after several wave down, usually to a period of a narrow, investors can see brin line the upper and lower limits of the space becomes more and more narrow, more and more close, and the exchange rate of the highest and the lowest price difference will appear intraday tiny, almost no profit space, short-term intraday trading is not active, but brin line of the reducing is extreme attention to investors, because it could mean that the brewing round big foreign exchange market, and once the exchange rate rise, brin line expand opening, is declared the beginning of the rise in prices,

2, such as Mr Brin line in high open extremely narrow, once the exchange rate to break down, brin line open amplifier, a trend will inevitably,

The meaning of three, brin line openings

1, when the rate after several waves rise from low to high, brin line under the most pressure line and support line open to a great degree, and opening can not continue to enlarge to contract, at the moment is a sell signal, usually followed by foreign exchange prices fell sharply or adjust the prices of round,

2, when the currency fell sharply after several waves, brin line upper and lower limits of the mouth can't continue to enlarge, brin line limit pressure line by reducing down on ahead of time, until the brin line limit support line from the bottom to shrink, then means that the foreign exchange market a trend will end

Four, the use of brin line note

1, brin line parameter Settings may not be less than 6,

2, the use of Boolean line should pay attention to beg the foreign exchange market is in normal or abnormal area, on the area not only to break the limit to sell, the lower limit to buy for principle

3, the use of open narrowed, once after reducing, in high rate break down, there are always big drop space,

Five, KDJ indicators combined with brin line index

: are the benefits of the two together can make KDJ indicators more accurate signal, at the same time, due to price day K line brin line index in the index system, often reflect the mid-term operation trend of prices, so the use of these two indicators to determine the price exactly is short-term fluctuations, or middle fluctuation has a role, is especially applicable to determine the price short-term peak (bottom), or enter the medium-term rise (fall), has a good effect, the integrated use of KDJ indicators and brin line indicators should be given priority to with brin line, while prices for judging the midline, KDJ indicators as the auxiliary pole, judgment to short-term price movements, buy and sell signals KDJ indicator needs a cloth line to verify with Lin, if both are issued the same instructions, is buying and selling accuracy is higher,

Above all, investors in actual brin line index analysis of the process, remember the main point of various forms, cannot use rigid at the same time, the metaphysical view analysis technology trends, when morphogenetic failure or into form, should timely adjust their own investment strategy, if necessary, or even stop out

Youdao teacher gave us currency investment tips to get started is that, in fact, to be fair, these COINS investment introduction technique is limited to the theoretical level, but also can give you a reference in practice, also wish you enjoy investors to invest in here youdao, life happiness,

If the above to help you, please continue to focus on youdao, thank you for reading!

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