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Currency turn youdao: 7.26 COINS trumpet in the morning, dawn the market a whine


COINS in 25 whole day basic maintained a volatile market, after the 25th morning began to rally to the highs 9633 began to fall, has been running in a short interval, volatile market let person mind,

9660 did not break the day before yesterday to the resilience of the suppression in the morning, but after a rally to 9633 began to fall rapidly, has formed a empty, have to say that this empty is very successful,

At the time of writing this post, the currency has break through the previous high, reached 9707 on the line, I believe in the morning, the market and will be the sound of a cry,

Disk analysis, 15 minutes since 23 COINS K line has been running on above average, we can see the COINS in 24 and 25 have test to test average support, finally got rebound in the average support, in fact, yesterday's way of thinking, tao is the shocks, high as for the morning, I also is accidentally, I personally promoting the right deal, not broken line all empty, I am not going to do

The currency afternoon? I think as an investor, the initiative will be your first step towards success,

Wen/currency circle youdao
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