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Gavibc: block chain landing scene quietly emerged, how will affect the daily life?


Gavibc: block chain landing scene quietly emerged, how will affect the daily life?
Chen Hongyan recently, network writer writing habits changed a: every part of the literary creation, in addition to save the work content, she will also document information uploaded to an invisible, scratching in the data link, for their intangible property to add a "lock", the "judicial block chain" technology platform, is set up by the hangzhou Internet court,

Reporter survey found that the public "often talking about always don't understand" block chain technology, has quietly in the judicial exists, government affairs management and service of the people's livelihood, food, supply chain management and so on the ground in the scene, at the same time, coordinate data connectivity bottleneck problems such as difficult, also highlighted in the popularization and application,

Writing, online shopping, invoice... Block chain technology is into the daily life

"Open and transparent" "tampering" "do not delete" and other characteristics, make the block chain technology in judicial exists, areas such as product traceability reflects the broad application space,

"As long as the document uploaded, the system will automatically generate a set of data: the only 3 KB size, referred to as the password hash value, is the only electronic manuscript id card, with the electronic identity card, my work had the certificate approved by the court, is not afraid of infringement," said Chen Hongyan,

Hangzhou citizens Mr Huang recently bought a can of imported milk powder, after receiving, he found a small qr code on the milk powder cans, take phone one sweep, just saw the cans of milk powder from Australia to hangzhou "across all of the logistics information, it is known that during a" double ten "this year, through the block chain technology, Tmall platform from more than hundreds of countries around the world nearly 400 million overseas online shopping products, have the" id ",

Recently, the reporter drove to shenzhen baoan sports center parking lot, experience the block chain electronic invoice issued process: scan the qr code, enter the license plate and mobile parking fee, parking system WeChat public number automatically push the entry of the "invoice request", reporter click to enter, enter the invoice looked up and id number, a key issue electronic invoices, the entire payment, invoice no more than two minutes, the process of

Have learned, at present, block chain electronic invoice in succession in shenzhen some bank, supermarket, subway, taxi, airport bus application, involving more than 7600 enterprises, make out an invoice amount exceed 10 million pieces, make out an invoice amount exceeds 7 billion yuan,

Tencent company introduction, tencent open platform cloud block chain nearly two years in succession in multiple application scenarios, including straight loss, the insurance fund settlement, electronic instrument, supply chain finance, wisdom areas such as health care and public welfare charity,

"Released by China block chain ecological union block chain development in China in 2018-2019 annual report", block chain technology application are the most active in the financial sector, in cross-border payments, asset management, supply chain finance and so on have formed a group of able to bear the actual business of new products; In the field of electronic deposit certificate and public welfare charity has made some progress; In medical services, the government management, transport logistics and other fields began to explore, but the product is not mature enough,
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